Putting in the work and love to see it!

I know many in here feel Goff isn’t the answer, and maybe he isn’t but it feels good to see him building that chemistry with our WR group in the off-season. Personally I think Goff will have a good year and our WR group is not the worst in the league anymore. I don’t even know if I want a WR at 32 or 34 anymore unless a stud is sitting there……


Chark is only signed for one season, after that the Lions are back to having the worst WR depth chart in the nfl again. The goal should be to build a sustainable roster, not just plug holes for the 2022 season

But yea I’m excited to see these guys trying to kick the season off right. It’s a great opportunity for all of them


Great to see them getting together and working.

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I think he performs very Jones-like this year and gets a 3 year deal, or so.


Signed for one, paid for three

Make It Rain Money GIF

I would like to see Goff get a little stronger … for some reason, after several years in the NFL, he still has that skinny highschooler look to him.

I know qbs don’t need to be ripped, but some functional core strength could help his movement skills, and protect against injury as well.

Is it just me?

Is that Chark on the right looking puzzled like, “this is 2?”

When you see Kirk’s deal with the Jags. Chark’s deal looks amazing for the Lions.


This guy turned out okay despite having noodles for arms.



Looking at that pic, we definitely need to go BLPA in the draft, this year. We get a really handsome bald dude and get St Brown to shave his head, we should be in decent shape. Would love to get a more handsome QB. Willis would be such an upgrade from Goff.

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I expected this to read BBPA for Best Bald…

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Best Looking Player Available IS Best Bald Player Available.

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Of course, how could i have been so foolish. :rofl:

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We all slip sometimes, bro. Zero judgement.

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Goff is nipping out for the photo. I wonder if his girlfriend taught him that move.


LOL - hilarious

Laurie Metcalf Wig GIF by absurdnoise

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Great to see the guys taking it seriously. They have months before they are “required” to do so, and here they are trying to ball out.

And let’s not forget, when completely healthy, Cephus is in that pic too.


I wonder what the 2 fingers is about since both Reynolds and Chark have two fingers up. Also where’s Cephus?

This should make @espnbaby happy. He was critical of Goff claiming he wasn’t putting in the effort with his WR’s.

Truth is most of these QB’s are working out and hanging out with their WR’s during the offseason, before and after practices.


Honestly I think this is a little thing.

However, I think the foundation for winning involves a lot of little things and this is one of them.

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