Questions for you guys

  1. How are you feeling about Paschal?
    DE? Interior? Starter? Rotational? situational?

  2. Barnes?
    Do we need another LB? Barnes/Rodrigo are good enough?



I would have to rewatch the game. But I think we’ll be better of with another DE and moving pascal inside more. I don’t think he’s able to take over games but when there more talent around him he’ll really shine. He starts because we don’t have anyone else but I think he still gets very meaningful snaps otherwise. A good starter.

I was/have been thinking about barnes vs drafting a Lb high and/or signing one. As soon as we went back to the attacking defense barnes has been back to flashing outstanding play. You can tell he still is learning though. Considering how many picks we have I think it couldn’t hurt to draft another LB late to develop. But based on hard knocks it seems like we could use a Wiley vet.


Barnes looked like the guy we thought we drafted. Hopefully he continues improving


I was shocked. How crazy would it be if he played like that every week?
Today’s Barnes and Rodrigo would work. :wink:
DBs are better than most are giving them credit for.
DL is the issue. No real heat coming from the middle. Hutch can be schemed around, when he is the lone pass rusher. Get Anderson in there and a DT.

  1. Promising. Not a pass-rusher, but is a strong dude that can play a number of positions, whether in 4-3 looks or 3-4.

  2. Barnes. He’s a Lion and was in the right place at the right time a few times today. It’s progress and hopefully a sign that Shepherd is getting him to understand NFL football.

That said, you could draft a DE with pick 1 and a LB with pick 15 and there would be plenty of room on the roster for both.


Thanks for the input/responses, guys. Out of likes


I got you. :wink:

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I see a guy that should be a rotational piece that plays both inside and outside depending on the situation.


Unfortunately, this GB team is not a true indicator for our defense.
They’ve been really bad with Aaron all season, so I wouldn’t take this game as a huge improvement in our game.
There were big third downs and confusion at times.
Of course, a win is always a win, but we’ll see in the next matches.


Aaron was awful today. 3 pics and throwing low/short all day.

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News flash Mr Wet Blanket…we suck. We are going to lose our next matches. You are not a fan of a real NFL team. We won a football game, which is a rare occurence for us. It won’t happen next week, or the week after. If we are lucky we will win 2 to 3 more games the entire rest of the season.

Just enjoy it. The “well acksually” bullshit is for real teams. We are not one of them.

I Know Point Of Order GIF by StickerGiant

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My cat just passed out when I told her the Lions weren’t a real NFL team.
I think those are too heavy words.



Its better this way. She’s only going to waste 1 of her 9 lives on the Detroit Lions. That’s much better than the 1 of 1 lives the rest of us waste on this team.


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I really really like Paschal. I think this guy is going to be here for a very long time. Reminds me of former Spartan and TB Buc Will Gholston. He’s a tank out there. Great run stopper at DE and nice versatility to move inside on 3rd downs. He probably will never be a huge sack guy but u can see his bull rush effect the pocket.

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Paschal’s versatility is his strength, but, he’s a really good DE.
Get another stud DT.


This is what I think, and what I’m hoping for too, man.

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