Quinton Bohanna

Checked the Cowgirls board. Parsons was high on Bohanna in the off-season. Said the kid was going to have a monster season. Didn’t quite materialize for them

Hope this Bahama guy can whoop some ass.


It can take DTs a few years to reach their potential… guys like Haloti Ngata and snacks Harrison. Don’t give up give him time.


When i came to this board the consensus was it takes a dt 2-3 years to develop. I know a lot has changed in the past 20 years but the lack of patience being displayed from the guys on this board is downright childish. SOLF need therepy for fuks sake lol


All true BUT it’s not a board thing, it’s a society thing :beers:

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Ha! I’m just having fun with the entire experience… fans included.
Coach Dan → teaching the entire world about winning, leadership, etc.
Love it!

Fun fact:
Bohannas dad was in 36 Mafia!

Hes definitely gonna know how to get hype!

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