Raiders expected to hire McDaniels as head coach

ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports the Raiders are expected to hire Patriots OC Josh McDaniels for their head-coaching vacancy.

Schefter noted that the two sides are finalizing a contract but the deal has been all but done for some time now. Once Davie Ziegler, the Patriots’ director of player personnel, was inked as the Raiders’ next GM, McDaniels was sure to follow. McDaniels was reportedly a big supporter of Ziegler when Nick Caserio left New England and opened the de facto GM role. The two were seemingly a package deal for the Raiders, who made Ziegler their first GM interview while McDaniels was strongly rumored to be their top coaching option. McDaniels flopped as the head coach of the Broncos, going 11-17 from 2009 to the middle of the 2010 season. Though he seemed in over his head then, McDaniels has had a decade to learn at the altar of Bill Belichick. After getting back into the playoffs with a rookie quarterback at the helm, McDaniels was bound to get a second crack at leading a team.

think wilson sports GIF by Wilson Tennis

It’s a good thing that he went to a stable organization that stays free of controversy and has an owner with a good haircut.


Is he going to accept and then quit a week later?


The NFL no longer calls that Indian giving. It’s now Washington Football Team giving.


Tip: Lock him in the team offices for a day or two after he gets there.

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And most importantly take away his cell phone

Why do I only get a pager?

-Josh McDaniels.

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I like the hire. I don’t consider McDaniels a typical New England coat tails hire. He was too young his last go around. He’s a good coach with an innovative mind. I think he will do well there.

They hired a Patriots GM and HC.

Excellent. EXCELLENT.


That has worked well in the past…


I am going to apply for the football deflater job.

Maybe they’ll bring in Patricia at DC


I imagine the interview went something like this:

Mark Davis: how often do you write e-mails, Josh?

Josh McDaniels: basically never

Mark Davis: great. You’re hired!


Bobby Quinn as Director of Pro Scouting???

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Happy fellas in Raiders country!


Bring Back Tim Tebow.

Rumor is he plans to bring in Matt Patricia to be his DC and assistant HC. Those two are guaranteed to win.

Bored The Office GIF

The new Black Hole in Vegas needed the appropriate amount of mass to be astronomically accurate.


I’ve seen Martindale’s name rumored. That would be a solid hire.