Ravens. Super Bowl Favorites. Derrick Henry. 8M/yr

2yrs, 16M

2M less per yr than we paid Marcus “Walking Cast” Davenport

Season 8 Nbc GIF by The Office

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This isn’t going to end well.

some people dont drink the kool aid but we can tell they definitley drink the flint water

If you are counting davenport’s incentives how do you not count Henry’s? Dont let facts ruin a good bitch fest

Proud Of You Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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Ravens are losing an awful lot though.

Emmitt Smith to the Cards

Dont blame Flint. Blame that murderous bastard Rick Snyder. That scumbag should be rotting in prison.

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This dude killing me. Marcus walking cast Davenport :joy::joy::joy:

Why blame whitey? Flint democrats been there for 6 decades

They couldn’t figure it out themselves??

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@blueadams @Alex_Analzone lmao

I can see it happening a lot sooner

Rick Snyder directly made the flint water situation. No one else. I live in Flint. I know the shady details. He was supposed to get fracking kick backs along the port huron water pipeline route. The man is a murderer. One of my friends got to put a middle finger right on his nose! This was a Rebublicans doing. I am an independent. I hate the dnc just as much.

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Same, except I don’t live in Flint.
I know the big dog attorney that was on the case they got canned when Gretch got in.

From what I know, there was a lot of blame to go around.

And a horrible cover up job after the fact

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I wonder what the excuses will be for Lamar now…He has a top 5 Oline, RB, Defense and a solid WR corps and I bet he still plays like shit in the upcoming playoff loss.

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