Ray Guy RIP

He was the original Jack Fox. Not sure if he could throw though.

According to his wiki bio he was a pitcher in high school. Everything reads like Jack Fox.


Greatest punter ever. Yes, I am including Fox. Sorry, Natty…

He once hit the roof of the Astrodome.


Drafted by 3 MLB teams.

Madden said he threw harder than Stabler.

Total stud. RIP

Currently, the only punter in the Hall of Fame.

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The scary part is he’s only 16 years older than I am and looked to be in much better shape…at least before he died.

23rd overall pick in '73. Al Davis had balls.


So Jack Fox is the new Three Eyed Raven?


When he played Ray Guy was the only punter I could name
Still the only punter I could name say, pre-2010’s
Guy was a legend

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If Amon-Ra is the Sun god, well then Ray Guy was the Moon God, which is where most of his punts traveled to!



Ray Guy always makes me think of Lion punter at that time Herman Weaver called Thunderfoot around here.


With his head, that was his vertical!
Yep, Ray Guy is a legend.

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No chance - Zero
What’s his QBR?

Fox kicks the ball between the beams in the roof support…for real. Only reason he doesn’t hit the roof is because he’s dialing it back.
Now incorporate 40 Time, passing accuracy, etc, etc.

Fox is far more than just a punter.
Love you, Ray Guy…but comparing him to Fox is not the way to make his family feel better during thier time of need.

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He was drafted in the 1st round. What a Guy!

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NCAA Hall of Fame. Punter, kicker, and STARTING SAFETY! Still holds the team record for int. in a season. (8, I think)

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I listened to a tribute on the radio today and Madden once said that he threw the football harder than Kenny Stabler.

That is pretty awesome

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Ray Guy and Reggie Roby only 2 punters I remember from that era.

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Good call on Roby, think he was worthy of the Hall.

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Mike Black
Tom Sladany