Report: Lions actually wanted Jared Goff

A lot of people on the board think taking Goff is why they got an extra 1st, but apparently there was a market for him and the Lions wanted him.


I read some where on the net last night that Holmes was the one banging the table for the Rams trading up for Goff.

This is the only thing wrong with Brad Holmes right now is his pointless attachment to Jared Goff.

Give Goff a chance. Everyone is running wild about McVay being a super coach who has won as many Super Bowls as a head coach as Matty P. I have faith in Brad Holmes, Dorsey, Spielman, and Coach Campbell.


Pointless attachment? They also got two 1s and a 3. The idea of wanting an assurance of competency at QB to begin the new regime isn’t a crazy one.


It’s not, but Jared Goff? Again? That’s why I call it pointless attachment.

If this is true, then they probably could’ve gotten more for Stafford from the Rams and signed a guy like Tyrod Taylor while actually modernizing the offense with a mobile QB. Instead they gave some of it up to see how bad Goff is for a year and take a bust next year. At least I hope Spencer Rattler isn’t a bust.

Hoping this is wrong

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Well now you have a statue at QB. Stafford was actually pretty mobile

Haters gotta hate: it’s an addiction

Goff is a stop gap with the potential to stay longer if he regains his mojo…

And having him give us options at 7! We don’t have to get a QB this year

There is nothing pointless here but the idea for pointlessness


weeping season 1 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

I hate this lack of modernization of the offense.

He’s played 4 full seasons. In 2 of those his QB rating was above 100 (5th and 8th in the league in those two years). His career QB rating is above Stafford’s. I totally acknowledge that is due to some extenuating circumstances by Goff doesn’t suck. He’s a top 16-20 starting NFL QB. I’d put him in that Tannehill, Carr, Bridgewater range.


I’m hoping, if Holmes is right, he’s right! And we have a future QB. But if Goff proves to be mediocre, then the way they have the front office and coaching structured allows them to pull the plug and move on.

This is why I like this structure set up, provided everyone leaves their egos at the door and has honest assessments of the team, they should make the best decision overall for the team. Holmes does not have the final say and also seems to be pretty open to being proven wrong and moving on.

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May Stafford ran a 4.81 forty. Goff ran a 4.82. I do think Goff is a bit more linear and he’s know where near as competent with creative releases but the difference in athleticism is not going to be stark.

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I knew they did. Hes 26 and can still get better


He doesn’t maneuver in the pocket as well as Stafford but yeah, he’s not a terrible athlete. Better than Mac Jones for sure.

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Stafford is more handsome, and has more kids
go ahead…pretend it doesn’t matter


That was my point, thanks

Just 2 short years ago…

How quickly people forget based on the narrative they’ve more recently digested.

Lions made out like bandits last night.


Yes. I read an article that in 2016, Snead asked Holmes if there was one QB in that draft worth trading up for. Holmes said Goff with no hesitation.

Again, good point. It’s clear McVay soured on Goff. Snead went out and either got him what he needed, or he got McVay enough rope to hang himself with and will still have a good quarterback for the next guy going forward.

As being the initial critic of this coaching hire, I find it interesting the people who have split their camp that we hired a great coaching staff, but that McVay is superior enough that our coaches will never be able to extract the same, or greater, talent level out of Goff that McVay has.


Speculation, not a fact.

Goff gives them a viable option at QB this year, draft a QB or not, can get rid of him next year. Draft a QB to sit a year and trade Goffnext off season with minimal cap hit iirc.

Gives Detroit more options nothing more, if Goff proves himself great, trade him or keep him one more year.