…which is probably the worst possible timing aside from actually waiting for the real estate bubble to burst again, but I digress – as I’m still pissed off we gave us Stardust for this monstrosity.
The worst part is that it looks JUST LIKE the two Wynn properties DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET. So much so that they’ve already been through a lawsuit about it.
But hey, at least it won’t end up like FountainBleu/The Drew – just sitting there abandoned and empty.
The Wynn is where I stay when I go to Vegas. I’ve only been twice, but I like to say it in such a way that makes it sound like I’m a regular. LOL
I was walking out of the Wynn in 2008. On the way out there’s that little bar area with TVs, and they were showing the Lions v Falcons game. I told my wife “hey, I’m gonna catch a little bit of this game before we catch a cab, okay?” She agreed, because she knows I’m a die hard. She went outside just to get some fresh air and wait for me. As soon as I look up at the screen, Matt Ryan hits that touchdown pass. I instantly walk out. She’s been sitting there for like 2 minutes at most, so she says “I thought you were going to watch part of the game?” I just said “its gonna be a LONG season babe, let’s go.”
“But hey, we have LEDs on ours, so its like, way different!”
(That was literally their defense, and also why the lines through the building are red and not creamy brown like Wynn … even though they started off that way.)
I’ve called it “Wynn West” ever since, being on the West Side of the Strip.