RIP Don Shula

Hated the '70s Phins and that crappy toast when the last undefeated team loses. With that being said, Don was a true legend and a top five coach in history.


That’s too bad. An icon for sure.

I actually was rooting for them to go perfect at the time. But yea, since then I just think they are assholes. Especially Mercury Morris who is the most outspoken of them. I don’t think Shula was involved in celebrating the last undefeated team losing but I could be wrong.

But back on point…Shula was a great coach, good guy and the Shula’s Steakhouses are cool and top quality (but expensive)

RIP Don Shula

R.I.P coach! Your work is done here sir!

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Did the Rona get him? 90 is a hell of a long life, hope I can make it that long and still have a couple marbles left

Loved the Pittsburgh/Miami Super Bowl.

RIP, Don!

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Was a DB coach for the Lions, so both he and Bill B got their start in Detroit. Still waiting for our SB here.

RIP Don.

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Oh, man!
Sympathies to family and friends.
Truly, a football icon.

  1. Bellichek
  2. Lombardi
  3. Shula
  4. Halas
  5. Walsh
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It’s weird growing up Shula was one of those guys who always seemed “old” to me. I honestly thought he was dead for a long time. I immediately called my brother and asked him, hey what year do you think Don Shula died? He guessed 2005 lol. He was floored when I told him it was today.

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That’s Top 5 to me

The order of the bottom 4 can be debated but that’s Top 5

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Walsh, Landry, Brown, Shula, Gibbs, Belichick, Reid, Noll. No particular order, just names that I think of when talking best ever.

Reid has what? One ring? He is good…but he isn’t “Dynasty Creator” good

Yeah, not calling him a dynasty creator, but if he wins another with Mahomes, won’t that match Shula’s SB wins? He’s been a respected name in the league as a HC for over 20 years. Didn’t the eagles owner give him a shout-out when they won a couple years ago? Quality HC that made the playoffs 9 out of 14 years with Philly and 5 of the last 7 in KC. I have a lot of respect for him, myself.

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He is without a doubt a great coach