RIP Miller Farr


Don’t remember him at all.

Sorry, RIP

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3x pro bowl, 2x all pro, his last season was with us. His best season was 1967, in 14 games he had 10 int’s and 3 TD’s. 35 int’s in his career.


Sorry about Miller Farr, RIP.

Is Mel still alive?

Or are they two farr gone?

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Yes, both are two Farr gone.

Word is when his brother Mel found out, his anguished scream echoed through Detroit and he immediately flew into earths orbit to fly around the equator backwards and turn back time to 1984

Godspeed Mel. If you all want to meet up later at Tiger Stadium to see Jack Morris pitch I’m game. Except I’m now only 11 so I’ll have to ask my parents


1991…“Black Jack” Morris pitches 10 shut out innings in Game 7 of the World Series, Twins win 1-0. Ain’t evah going to see that kind of performance again.

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Way before my time but RIP. Nope seems like to never see that kind of performance again.

So you saw a game with Mel Farr that Jack Morris pitched in? Nice!

Morris, Verlander, Scherzer, Smoltz, pretty disheartening!

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Sorry, Verlander and Miggy are gigantic World Series choke artists.

Frickin damn David Eckstein was a WS MVP because no one hit in 06.

2012, same thing. Went to Game 3. Anibal Sanchez held SF to 2 runs in 40 degree weather. We got 5 singles and Miggy left em loaded on the only occasion a guy got to 3rd base . Against Immortal Ryan Vogelsong… FFS


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