Rounds 2-3: Draft Day 2 Thread

Loser has to slam a brewski?

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Dude, you got some good weed tonight! :wink:

Matter of fact, let me double up on this. Remember how half this board was ripping their hair out and starting fires in their living room last night? And the rest of us were trying to calm them down and present reasonable facts for why we liked the picks?

If they take a TE, I’m going to throw a fit like 2-year old and need someone here to try and calm me down because I will be (admittedly) as irrational and unreasonable as a honey-badger in a swimming pool full of kids.

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hoping for AA the top RG left and Hyatt

that will make me a happy camper

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Private or doesn’t exist? I guess I didn’t get invited with the cool kids. :joy:

Both of those picks would tell me that the Lions are confident in Kayode Awosika being a viable OG option in 2024.

Loser has to shave their head!


Which one? Upper or Lower

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In that order would work for me.

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There are other guards in the universe. Including the ones the Lions already have.

Not having a guy signed beyond this year is no calamity


QB and TE causing The Den Implosion Part Deux.

Seriously though, I’m almost positive that they’ll take a TE in Round 2, less sure on QB

True, but you want to keep your calling card in top condition. We’ll see shortly.

We do have Big V and GG though! I do think we draft a guard at some point though.

Not in 2024, yet anyway.

I’m open to guard in round 2, if they really love one of them.

I think they get someone, but if they don’t it means they didn’t reach and I am okay with that too.

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I’d be happy.

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I know exactly what Brad Holmes is gonna do tonight and when. That’s my first lie tonight. Lol

a 4.7 TE that has short arms and didn’t run the agility teats because he is a stiff???

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by HBO Max