Roundtable: Should Lions Sign Safety Justin Simmons?


Still a few decent vet safeties not signed…

Yes. Especially on a short-term contract. What if Iffy can’t stay healthy? Need another body at safety and Simmons isn’t just a body, he’s pretty darn good.

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I believe this is less a question about “should” they sign him and more of a question about “at what price should they sign him?” He is a solid player and I do not think anyone will dispute that. So, it comes down to how much? for how long? and for what role?

For me I am not going to speculate on the costs, but a two year in the safety rotation works for me.


I was thinking that it’s so late in the off-season he might be down with a one year contract, and a chance to win a ring.

Kind of like the CJGJ deal last year.


He might be. I like the 2-year for the Lions. I actually think he has another serviceable 3-4 years left in him.

I wouldn’t give him a backloaded contract. I would want an easy cut if it doesn’t work out. But I dislike how the whole CJGJ thing went. Plus another 2 years and there should be zero questions about our young safeties.

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I’d be great with it. A bit of potential embarrassment of riches with Branch seemingly destined for more work at Safety. I also hate to leave Rakestraw on the bench when I think he could be a good scrappy Nickle, letting Arnold settle in outside and Branch in at Safety. Heck, maybe it’s Simmons/Branch and both Iffy and Kerby are moved to sub package roles. I can think of a worse situation and IMHO we really need another veteran leader starting in the secondary. A guy like Simmons directing traffic would be a big help. The money isn’t doing you any good just sitting in the piggy bank. Wish we would have had someone better than Kindle Veldor playing in the NFCC and less money in the piggy bank because dynasty…


The Lions already have 3 solid safeties plus a developmental safety that is showing promise. There is no need to add an expensive, 5th safety imo…at least, not until/unless there is a major, season-ending injury for one of them.

No, they should not.

The money should be saved for a rainy day. If we suffer a significant injury, it can be used to cover the contract of a great player obtained by trade, or through free agency, without being hamstrung on position right away. If the money goes unused this year, it can be rolled into next year’s cap to cover OUR guys.

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We have 3 young athletic guys at safety, plus a 4th less seasoned.

Branch is playing safety for the first time in the pros, yet, yes dude is a total stud baller.

Iffy has 2 years of injuries ti valance against hakf a season of really strong play.

Kerby is a rollercoaster.

Vet safety makes sense. Will a guy like that come here knowing he is not ginna get starter snaps? Probably no is my guess.

Set the sights a little lower and a good steady guy may see this as a better landing spot. It’s a big long list of safety FA this year left out there. Gonna be one that jumps aboard IMO

that’s what Simmons would bring 'added insurance in case of a injury, THEN you slide Simmons in that spot and we don’t have a hole in that position… In addition , IF Simmons was called to play…it gives him reps , experience, and PT in our ranks.

Agree. The starting CBs in the NFC Championship game might have been the two worst in the NFL.

Even Q Diggs…


Depends. Do you want a guaranteed starting gig with a crap team, or do you want to have to compete for a job with no guarantee on a SB caliber team. He could always just resign with Denver if he wants the former. If as an All Pro veteran, he’s scared of competing with a 3rd round pick with 11 starts in 3 seasons, I don’t want him.

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