Roundtable: Why Campbell, Holmes Have Opposing Views on CB Need

My take is Holmes has his poker face on and Dan doesnā€™t


Thats it 100%.

The quote from last week from Holmes. That the sutton situation doesnā€™t change their game plan. Well what was the game plan?
Was it always go get another DB in FA and draft one?

But well never know because in august they will say ā€œwe made all the moves we needed toā€


listen ladies and gents, if it is one thing we ALL know is that at this time of year Brad puts together a plan for the draft and or rest of the offseason and he does not budge from that plan very damn much at all, even if certain situations arise during the draft. Holmes is focused on who and what he wants, when and where and if ā€œhis guyā€ getā€™s takenā€“Brad will simply take the very next guy he had in mind. The man never loses his cool unless he getā€™s THEE player he had his heart set on, then he will jump up and celebrate like crazy. Secondly, I bet you he already has his draft plan but discusses it with all involved with the draft processā€¦ We just got to wait and see and enjoy the draft and then do what we do after the smoke clears.

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Itā€™s really just semantics not opposing views.
Campbell indicated that they could use additional competition at CB while not saying we have to draft a CB early.
Holmes fills all ā€œneedsā€ during free agency and considers that done already while stating ā€œyou can never have too manyā€ and he has drafted a CB every year (basically stating he will draft one again this year). More CBā€™s are needed for OTAā€™s and mini-camp so there will be more free agent signings and Holmes will likely draft a cb as he has every year. So this will provide the additional competition that Campbell seeks.


Agree @MittenSportsFan @Karras they are basically saying the same thing and itā€™s coach talk vs gm talk.

Nothing to see here


My take is this will continue to be an ongoing issue.

As will pass rush.

Weā€™re back to the 1990s one-more-year-away mentality

Mom and dad are playing the game of confusion. The kids think they have the parents dividedā€¦ when in reality they have the kids where they want themā€¦ distracted.

You can decide which one of holmes or mcdc is mom and which is dadā€¦ the kids are the media.

No-we are right here in 2024 and we WILL get better and improve this offseason, it is IMPORTANT to remember we are not in a ā€˜buildā€™ mode-as much as we are in a ā€˜refineā€™ mode. Meaning we are putting the finishing touches on this team . I believe this will be the way forward to, trim a tiny bit of fat and get better replacements to further strengthen the Team.

Already saidā€¦ one is saying itā€™s half empty and the other half fullā€¦. Both seeing the same cup with water in itā€¦

Andā€¦. When done correctly within a team type environmentā€¦ having two perspective to bounce of each other is best imho

These guys have alread said it; when at odds, they met in the middle

The team before the individual personalities

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