Rumor: Lions looking to trade up

TA was Holmes’ “Crush” and he fell into range.
Holmes got his guy!


Absolutely….which is why the rumor wasn’t click bait

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My point was that you could say that any time about Holmes.
I could say that now about the 2025 draft.

The thing is we were definitely exploring multiple options to move up just like we were exploring multiple options to move down. We have contingencies in place for everything. The draft is fluid and just because the winning number was “trade up” this time, doesn’t mean every option wasn’t looked at.

So in that sense it was click bait, because every option was on the table pre-draft. This one just turned out to be right, but that doesn’t make the original purpose of it any different.


Yeah but most people on the board and fans in general wanted to trade down not up.

It’s the appeal of having more picks as a fan, rather than what’s best for building the franchise.

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I was all about trading up to get an impact player. I just doubted that we would be willing to give up the capital it would take to get up into the teens.

Turns out that we didn’t have to move up that high to aquire a foundational piece for the defense.


True for me. After umpteen years of blah drafts, I always assume the more darts you have, then better chance you hit a bullseye.
But this Brad dude, he say F yo Darts. I hit bullseyes waking out of bed.

Sure……don’t disagree with that. All I’m saying is that the rumor of the Lions wanting to trade up was not click bait :person_shrugging:

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The fact that we didn’t have to move up that far is what let us “borrow” picks form 2025 draft to have ammo to go get guys like Manu & Vaki.

We got a legit Top 5 Defensive Prospect at pick #24.

That’s a steal. Reminds me of when Patriots traded up those years and went up and got Mayo, Chandler Jones, and Hightower

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I agree.

We got lucky.

Holmes gets lucky a lot.

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Almost like he makes his own luck…

gotham GIF by Fox TV

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