Sad Tday

Probably the least interested I’ve ever been in a Thanksgiving Day Lions game. I’m barely thinking about it and might not even watch the whole thing.

What a truly awful franchise.

Was it the Bears that ran back that kick to beat the Lions on Thanksgiving back in the 80’s? I remember that ruining a good meal.

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I was at the game.

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Focus on what’s really important: family and friends, plus the fact that you live in the greatest country on Earth. True, we’re screwed football-wise, but in the great scheme of things, NBD. Have a good T’Day everybody.


That’s all correct!

I will watch it as they are my only team!

And we are mathematically alive :crazy_face:

Less then 1% for the 6th only - but if we win and Seahawks beats Minny and Giants best GN we stay alive one more week!!

Wooh wooh - but seriously, I’ll watch and rout for them no matter what

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I will watch it because I am a Lions fan and we will be at my wife’s family and they are all Lions fans and it’s Lions vs. one of my most hated teams…Da Bears.

We will probably bitch at the TV but to be honest that is a sick part of the TDay tradition for Lions fans.

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Me too.

Couldn’t believe it.

Shook my head all the way home. It was a long drive.

C’est la vie

I’ll watch, always have.

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I feel like I’ve seen this post from different users nearly every year since the early 2000’s. LOL


Hey, do I know you?
Welcome to the board, either way, but, I know who you are!:smile:

One of my favourite worst memories

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Eff the Bears. Stomp them with our backup QB.

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Could be the 3rd string QB from what I heard

I’ve just parlayed the Bears -3 and over 38.5 total, for not insignificant money.

Suddenly my interest in watching is rekindled!

If the Bears blow them out, it wouldn’t shock me if Allen Park got blowed out, too.

I mean they are playing a backup too.

Difference is they just happened to give away a shit ton to move up one spot to get him




I do miss that Eagles game a few years ago when we blew the f-ing doors off them and Calvin had 3 tds…THAT was a good thanksgiving. It is on my bucketlist…to go to a Tday game…

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