Saints Player Tests Positive

Interesting how this plays out, will we be delayed or not.

I doubt the game gets played if this gets confirmed. I think it’ll be rescheduled in that case. Let’s wait and see.

If it is rescheduled, hopefully it’s for Monday. I don’t want the saints getting their injured players back for the game.

Not saying it isn’t true but anyone other than pft report this?

I’m waiting for more sources to confirm it.

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Don’t they typically fly in like Thursday friday?

I think the NFL’s plan is off. Fly the road team out early in the week. Allows time for tons of high quality testing and then the Covid negative guys play.

Ya they said they flew in today… man that seems off to me

The logistics of practicing away are an off the charts pain as well. Still I think leaving early is the best approach.

And after the bye week we should stay in the Southeast for that Jax-Atl trip

I haven’t been able to find any other info on this. Makes me wonder the accuracy, but same way Yates first reported Cam earlier seems PFT may have an inside.

Rescheduled this week is great, anything else is a sever hit to us when talking Injury report.

Yahoo sports and Pride of Detroit running it too now.

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Not to be that guy but this is very convenient for them


They are running with pft as source. But Jay glazer also is running it, said that it is a saints fullback

this outbreak makes me think the lions run it back next year regardless… as much as I don’t care to see it without a significant playoff run

Hell yeah this is convenient for the saints.

I can’t see the season playing out so it likely won’t matter anyhow, but this is very lions-ish.

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It’s Michael Burton. Be careful who you cut, a pandemic might just break out.

I guess the bears and falcons played after a Terrell tested positive, if it is only Burton and no other positives are found they may play. But it is the lions sooooo I doubt it

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If it’s just one dude, Im guessing they play

Only concern is they were on the flight before testing positive. Will be intersting to see what happens as I wake up tomorrow

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