Sam LaPorta Interviewed By Howie--Er, Chris--Long: Bye Week Gold

You’re welcome.


You’ve obviously never seen “Broken Arrow” because that’s not Howie Long.


That would be Howie’s son Chris—the former DE.

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Great interview and sounds like a great kid!
I see why Brad/Dan love this guy!


Chris commenting that Dan was already looking at the next year’s draft shows you how we are often a bit too narrow in our own views. We were thinking more of Hock’s performance and whether he’d be worth the future contract he was seeking, but I don’t know if we ever really talked in terms of there being a TE that Brad and Dan had their eye on in the draft already. Not at week 8 or whatever it was last year.


Good interview overall but I especially like what he had to say about Analzone (14:30).


OK Cap, I want you to listen to this and hear and understand what LaPorta says about AA. It’s about 15 and a half minutes in.

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Mods please combine this with the other Laporta interview post. I searched beforehand but didn’t see it. Thanks

Can Chris or Howie Long prove that isn’t Connor Stalians on the left?

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Maxx Crosby–the tape did not do him justice.


Good observation

If we could add anybody in the league, it would be Crosby for me.

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Yeah, gotta give it to Coaching Staff and FO, always looking ahead to the future long term, not short term future wise, what they want to get, who they have their eyes on Etc.

Im interested in what they do this draft tbh, couple positions of need, but like last year, you can afford to go outside the box a bit

25-32 can legit be anything tbh in terms of what we go for (OL, CB, DL/DE, WR)

i trust brad and the FO, they do their work.


Dallas Clark was his primary mentor. Interesting, very similar size to LaPorta.


That was a fun interview to listen to, and an eye opener for who this kid is as a human being. It’s easy to see why he was a ‘fit’ for this regime. Two things that stuck out to me and I’m sure I’ll hit some nerves with both. I think it was a rookie mistake to even mention playoffs at ford field this season. Don’t take that cheese when an interviewer is asking. The second one was the discussion about other explosive receivers and he basically listed everyone except Jamo. Maybe just a memory slip on his part but it resonated with me. Don’t get all over me about not liking Jamo. I see the rock star potential but it’s just not clicking for him and I wonder if it will at this level where you really need to be devoted to your craft and work at it.

Great post. Really enjoyed the interview. So much great insight into why the Lions have it going in the right direction with MCDC.


They all say he’s the best human being.
He’s always around Iowa program still mentoring

No wonder it’s TE U


Brain Fart. My list of excuses is long.

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Sam sounded wise beyond his years and definitely doesn’t come across as a rookie!

Very impressive interview.


Awesome interview, thanks for posting!

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I noticed when LaPorta was talking about route runners he mentioned St Brown, Raymond, and Reynolds, but not Jamo. That must mean he sucks right lol.

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