Sandman Comes thru AGAIN!

Love his vids!


I bet when these started he never dreamed making Lions victory videos would become a full time job.

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The video is about 10 minutes too long… really only needed the last three minutes! :wink:

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I’ve watched it twice now, another 10 minutes will be fine by me :innocent:


I was trying to be funny after they won the game in the last three minutes… I failed. :frowning:

“Dan Campbell’s team got 17 points in the final 2:59 on Sunday to down the Bears, 31-26” ~


I loved the music that accompanied the video, especially the track that was timed by God or Sandman to end with Jamo’s TD catch. Sandman rocks!!

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Every week (or at least the Lions seem to be winning every week) the music is spot on. The music this week especially for the comeback was different than it normally is, but as I watched I realized it was perfect.

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So funny I agree the sound track was so spot on.

It kind of reminds me that the Lions are on this crazy odyssey and it is just winding its way along.

This last Sunday they got stuck in the mud but pulled themselves out just in time.

Like an old Lone Ranger episode and quicksand

Despite his low PFF grade I did think Paschal popped in this game some. Also Quentin Bohannon is a beast and in no way shape or form should be inactive the rest of the way.


used to watch them all the time!!! inspired me to make slowlight videos of my kids teams! however, too slow gets boring, I found that 80% speed is perfect!

These are so good. You can really see what’s going on.

Goff is a damn mastermind , he had a great showing vs The Bears !! It took Sandman’s tape to see how damn good Jared Goff was as well as Monty and a few others–this is why I LOVE Sandman, he is a Genius !

Love the videos as always. I will say this though. Even live you could tell Gibbs didn’t even need to try to get that TD. Probably let off the gas four yards out.


Sandman should get some kind of award from the Den.

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