Sandman/Detroit Lion Podcast Senior Bowl wrap up

Weird. Your post ended up in this thread lol. It should have been in the “Lions’ coaches taking criticism for Senior Bowl practices” thread.

The NFL favors offenses now a days so you rarely ever see the 6 to 3 games. Most games come down to which team can close out.

I’m seeing some positive signs from the coaching staff. Let’s hope Bob Quinn can get the right players.

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Well, you would be wrong. I am pro lions. I am pro stability. I was pro Caldwell when he was here and I am for giving a coach 4-5 years to develop his vision of a football team. And when “idiots” as you termed them begin to make idiotic “fat Matt” jokes and every single thing the guy does i find it takes whatever valid points they are attempting to make and throws them out the window.