Second rd pick for Beckham jr?

We need a wide reciver , will you give a 2 nd rd pick ?

It’s so tempting because I think with this oline and the other pieces in place adding OBJ could put the offense over the top. But does he really fit what we are trying to do here? How is he blocking in the run game? Is he going to give us a 100%? I think the biggest factor may be the defense being such an unknown. I’d probably have to pass right now.

No! Bc contract, future, injuries and culture. I haven’t done a dive on what went wrong for him last year but there’s no reason to expect better in Detroit. Have the injuries added up?

His ACL tear didn’t help him… :wink:


No chance in hell. That’s a final piece to contention move and that isn’t the lions.


Our 2nd is almost like giving a 1st…but with OBJ, that 2nd would be a 2nd…maybe even more like a 3rd!


If Aaron is shipped out I’d thing long and hard about OBJ for a 2nd. Andrew Berry has said over and over again that he wants to keep OBJ though.


I wouldn’t. He hasn’t been the same guy for a long time. There’s a reason Cleveland got better once he went down. He needs to go play with a vet QB like Brady, Rodgers, etc…

No. He’s a “star”.
We need workers.

Not for OBJ but I’ve been thinking Michael Thomas from the Saints could be a trade target.

I ask myself this question first; “will this player make the difference between not going to the playoffs and going to the playoffs”?
I don’t see it.
Save the money. Next year we can focus on drafting Receivers and LBs.
2023 is “Go Time”.


Wishful thinking but I’m with ya there. $32M dead cap hit to trade this season.

+1. I like what this team has done during this off-season, but I also think they are a ways away from being a playoff contender, let alone a playoff winner. Let’s see what we got first, and if and when the Lions get to the point where they are a player away from going deep into the playoffs, THEN is the time to load up and go for it. But not now.


You would be bailing out Browns this season an giving them a second for doing it.
Next season he will be cut an Browns will just take a 2.5 million cap hit. They will cut him or he will take major salary cut.

These ideas are what past lions did chase a older name an missing out on younger players or draft picks.

We are not that close to winning to be handing out high picks for 29 in nov. at positions where age takes slows them down.

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No, no, no! He’s a culture destroying time bomb. We aren’t even close to being a decent team.

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If that were possible it would be a no brainer to acquire him. I still have hard time seeing the Saints shipping him out though.

Last year it sounded like he wanted out and the Saints are in salary cap hell.

After looking at his salary he appears too rich for our blood. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is traded to another team that is willing to help out with the dead cap if that is possible.

As for us I think we can go for a true #1 with one of our first round draft picks next year.

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I would rather have 3 #2 WR’s than a number one. Its just a number that media put on players.

Take a look at just last season playoffs an how the so called #1 WRs did for there team a couple were important in one game but overal not so much.

Diggs played real well in one an ok in rest same with Evans but other games you could say no names were better. check it out

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I could see the Lions hammering those mid round wr bargains the next couple years. They could have a solid 1 thru 5. It could become a solid cheap unit.