Seeing is believing: This season is a success

I know…

I’ve been the guy wanting more. And, of course, I absolutely want more. I’ll be supremely disappointed if this team is an early first-round exit.

But … it won’t tarnish the season.

I guess I’ll just say that … seeing is believing.

I had to SEE this division title. And now that I have, it’s very real. The progress is very real. And the future is very bright.

They’re 11-4. Whether they finish 13-4, or 11-6, they can’t take away this division crown, and it will remain something to build upon.


Wait until the Ravens beat the 9ers. We’re gonna be looking for ways to get a bye


Well said!!! To me everything from here on is icing on the cake this year. No more stressing during games just going to ENJOY them!!


In a executive office in Dearborn, Bill Ford Jr, is shit faced because his sister has a bigger dick then he does!


How good does decker feel today? He’s been through more than anyone else since n the team in dealing with this franchise. This at least makes everything worth it. Now keep going and finish this incredible season the right way!

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I wish Sheila would have taken over ten years ago when we had a young Stafford, suh and Calvin.


I’m just excited to see Hendon Hooker at QB in 2 weeks

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Great point on Decker, guy has become one of my favorite buckeyes along with Chris S.


You seen him at the end of the game, right? Tears. I do appreciate him in a new way this year. He’s endured a lot and hadn’t lost heart.

If Baltimore loses tomorrow and we beat the cowboys, that is not going to happen. Uf anybody starts against the vikings in the last game it will be Teddy

No doubt, we exceeded expectations. We may have been favorites in most games and preseason darlings but we all still have SOL PTSD and not a single one of us is disappointed today. For the first time in forever…

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I didn’t get to watch. Working.

I totally agree. No backing in. The Lions won the division on the road. They found a way to win. They were the better team all day and they had numerous opportunities to win. The Branch dropped int. The Commisg failure to cover the fumble. The Gibbs fumble.

But they won. The banner will hang forever. Hopefully this is just the beginning.

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The strangest thing about this season is… we just completed our week 16 and no one is talking about the draft, draft picks, draft positioning, or players.
We are in uncharted territory here …

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I’m sorry, dude. Yeah, you could see Goff ~consoling~ him. (there’s probably a better word for it, but they were having a moment as the players took the field after the game)

I figured you had to have seen him when you mentioned him by name.

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I think we should draft only OL, DL and CB’s

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Just Win Baby!

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Yup, I think, position wise, there’s going to be wide spread agreement this off-season.

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