Senior bowl measurements


Quad size to waist size to penis size is way important than all those things measured…will they ever catch on!? ha ha

Chris Jones draft stock went up when he pulled out his weiner at the combine. He showed he could be a dangerous penetrator.

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Cody Mauch has T-rex arms and is officially a guard and I’m officially on the Jerrod Clark bandwagon.

I think he likely goes between our first and our second round pick but Darnell Wright as a guard would be great. He’d offer us flexibility, Torrence like power in the phone booth but also have the movement skills we’d need. He’d be like a better Vaitai. Personally I think he may sneak into the first as a RT though.


Now that’s the @Mr.Peabody I’m here for…lol

Will Ferrell Lol GIF

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