Should Lions acquire Lamar Jackson?

Fork from the saga thread, since that was mainly about something else.

Now that Jackson has officially requested a trade, the Lions have become linked. Moving posts over here from that thread.

Dropping this here to stir up trouble:

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The Jets!? Oh that would be epic. At the last minute trade for Lamar, and then the Pack is stuck with old man Rodgers and no beans!!


In fact, letā€™s ask everyone ā€¦

Who do you guys want as your quarterback in 2023?

  • Jared Goff
  • Lamar Jackson, at the right price
  • Lamar Jackson, at any price

0 voters


Only sharing because Lions are coming up on Twitter pretty consistently with the Jackson news.

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Seems legit:

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Live look at Nate:

On Fire Burn GIF by Us


Man this is a tough one. I love Goff but we have to be at least looking at Jackson just because you shouldā€¦.

Wonder what Goff would get is in a trade as well lmao!

Oh lord!!!

Wait so yā€™all have a problem paying Goff 40-45 million a year but have no problems paying Jackson 50 million guaranteed plus loosing draft picks gtfo with that bullshit


This Lamar Jackson talk is just crazy talk.

  1. It would mean we have to revamp our entire offense.
  2. I wouldnā€™t trade Goff for Jackson straight up. We have a known quantity in Goff, under contract for 2 years at $31 mill per. Jackson wants more than that and hasnā€™t played a complete season in the last 2 years.
  3. I would want Baltmoreā€™s 1st at the very least and I think Baltimore would actually PAY it just to be done with the whole mess.

Itā€™s not gonna happen and nor should it!


I didnā€™t say that. I voted Goff.

Iā€™m just asking the question ā€¦


Not no, but ā– ā– ā– ā–  no!!

No one could explain how this would benefit the team for the better instead of having Goff as our leader.
Letā€™s be real about it. Lamar would add another De mention to the offense. But would add a whole another dimension to the circus atmosphere that would be swirling daily, along with how we will get around paying this man over 50 million per year. People talked shit about Karen getting that and how he strapped the Pack, and now say we should trade for him?

Talk about speaking with a forked tongue.

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OK, so you would do it.

maybe unpopular but let someone else get the flashy toy.

lions have something really good cooking right now and throwing Lamar into the mix might just throw a wrench in itā€¦

  1. what happens to Goff? hate if you must but the guy loves being here and just made a probowl. what does that say to your existing players if you balled out but were still expendable?
  2. Lamar needs an offense tailored to his very specific skillset, which we do not have. do we assume Ben just makes a few tweaks and everything works out?
  3. BH has been following an awesome model on how to build a sustainable franchiseā€¦build thru the draft and smart contracts. Getting Lamar throws all that upside down.

edit: WestCoast types faster than me and basically made all the same points.

Lamar and AR15 best fits:


Lamar on a fully guaranteed deal to screw the NFL and a F-U from Snyder:



Lets start here.

If the Ravens wanted to swap Jackson for Goff, straight up, would you do it?

Honestly, Iā€™m not sure I would anymore. Jackson has the high end potential, but I am not giving a 50mil AAV fully guaranteed contract to a major injury risk who has only had one elite season throwing the football.

There is a ton of value in having Goff cost controlled at a little over 30mil for two more seasons. There is also a ton of value in Goffā€™s durability.

Those two thing cannot be overlooked and hold major weight over Lamar.

On the field is a tough judgement. How much does Lamarā€™s rushing ability elevate his overall game because Goff is clearly the better passer. Goff is also only 2 years older.

Considering the Ravens would never swap Jackson for Goff, and I am teetering on whether I would even do that, it is a pretty clear no for me.

Itā€™s a business. Plus, Jamo supports the idea.

Ben is a genius. As has been established here.


So if he does it, does that detract from how you feel about Brad, or is he a mad genius?

I would not be happy with Lamar in Detroit. IMO he is not my type of QB, runs way to much for me. If the Lions are looking to replace Goff in a few years then I would prefer getting a rookie that the Lions feel can be developed over acquiring Jackson.