Should the Lions pay Jonah Jackson $15-17 million a year?

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

Let me be first with a yes for no more than 15 mil.

No. Use the money on defense

Kayode & Cooper Beebe for LG we are straight


I do understand but he’s still young and a pro bowler.

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I think we let him test the waters and see if he can actually pull that much money. It’s a crowded market especially with the draft depth.

PFF scores same Kayode & Jonah

But Kayode wasn’t all that great…so I guess neither was Jonah?

OK guys. I get that he was injured, missing time. Recall what the line was like compared to when Sorsdal was in there. We are gonna need two guards. Maybe not this year but within the next two years we will need to replace both positions. Fill one now.


Awosika played well down the stretch. He made Jonah expendable. Jonah isn’t worth half that contract based on 2023


8 to 1!!!Yikes. I’m being stampeded.

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Hell GIF by Steve Harvey TV

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Use that pulse more for Chris Jones

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If Jackson is gone Awosika shouldnt be the answer. Our offense could struggle hard especially if another Lineman like Ragnow miss some time due to injuries and you have to play Awosika and Sorsdal same time.


Disagree Kayode is not a starter we can sign a FA starter whats wrong with GG. Also there are others who we can sign to replace Jackson. The FA we can sign are better IMO than Kayode who is ok for Backup. Damien Lewis would be up grade Robert Hunt
would be a 4 year deal worth maybe same as what thread said. Either one an add OG in draft.

Vita Vea may not be the Baseline we want to measure our boy against especially in his first real game


There’s going to be multiple guards drafted this year that will be better than him their rookie year.

Hell no

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So you think that a rookie is a viable option to replace a pro bowl G?

Yes I do You putting him between Decker an Rags so yes with full OTAs an camp he will just play ball. His character says he will plug an play based on what i have read .football is what he likes to do .
He would be solid an would keep the OL solid for years. Holmes said he wants to keep OL strong an Jackson is IMO not worth what he may ask. If I can add a rookie deal OG who can play from day one I add him. The think is where will BeBe fall or could be couple others. Hr is one I think we can get but Barton an JPJ would also be ok picks. Just write them in as starting LOG

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I am not anti Jackson just at the price the thread said 15+ is to much for him. That is Hunt type money .
!0 to 12 maybe depends on guarantee money. He needs to not miss so much IMO

I’d pay Jonah 15 to 17 million for sure but it’s a 2 year deal… not 1. 2 years 16 mill. Sign me up.

15 to 17 mill per season would be nuts

Hes gonna want/get $12+M AAV. Way too much.

Resign Glasgow for RG. Way cheaper.

Then draft a C/G early. Have him play LG then when Ragnow is done move him to center. Keep that OLine development going!

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And how many game between the two of them will be missed? Then what?

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