Since the trade Stafford and Goff


Ours is younger at least


Doesn’t surprise me in the least. Both QBs are good but one is rarely given the credit by the media. So the perception is way off.

Day of the trade I opposed it. We won a ring so any gripe I had isnt all that valid anymore. And Stafford was the better QB at the time of the trade. But regarding value Detroit came up more than the Rams did. To get all the picks and cheapish QB contract. For players who produce very similar production. There was no real loser in this deal.


No one wants to know what I really think. But no way the Rams come into Detroit with Stafford as QB and make this his “plop house.”

Not a chance that happens.

No chance.

If it does happen…wow.


I hope we don’t get collingsworth for the playoff game. Dude usually seems disappointed when Goff makes a great play.

Goff will throw a 50 yard dime and it’s awkward silence for a second then Chris will say something like ‘there’s the throw and what a nice catch’

Meanwhile he gurgles Staffords semen all game long and virtually erupts with ecstasy with every completion


We get Tirico, Collinsworth, and Mellisa Stark

Tirico and his asterick…trying to save face for his job.

And Collinsworth…who appreciates playground QBs…

Collinsworth is the Gus Johnson of the NFL…a standard play is “the most amazing thing ive ever seen…look at this…”

It unwatchable.


damn they are like mirror images of each other-play- wise.


One has the hardware. That should be in there. But this is the rare trade that worked out for both.

Wow that’s an odd coincidence.

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I doubt the final chapter of this trade will be written on Sunday night.

But the ledger will definitely shift on one side.

The Rams got a SB out of the deal, and I wouldn’t consider it an even trade until the Lions can do the same. Still, the Lions have built a very impressive program on the back of dealing Stafford so the notion that the trade benefited both is totally valid.

A playoff win Sunday would be a big get, to say the least.

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Last time we got them, we won at Arrowhead? I can deal with that.

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From Major League 2

“I want Parkman”

I’ll tell anyone who’ll listen, there is no freaking way these Lions are going to let JG down

I expect both sides of the ball to come out possessed

The Goats and poor poor beloved MS are literally wandering into a Lions Den

That’s my take, let’s see how it plays out

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duplicate post delete

I got the reference immediately after your first use of it.

I thought it was brilliant BTW. Perfect analogy.

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This offense is going to want to win this for Goff. They love this guy and know how he got shit on by McVay on his way out the door.

There is no animosity with Stafford. He requested the trade and we obliged.


And vice-versa.

Really expecting the best version of Goff we’ve seen. Some early on-target deep shots, included.

Examples like this are why people should watch the games instead of counting things. But go Goff and go Lions!

Right but Parkman is essentially MS

I suppose there’s always that alternate ending where he takes Wild Thing out of the park, not seeing it here, FF will be off the charts crazy feeding the frenzy

There is a train coming through, and Stafford is standing on the tracks.



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