Site Issues?

Anyone seeing error messages today?

Yep. But my post is still posting. I put it in another thread but it looks like this:

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Although for the first time all morning it didn’t happen when I posted that one lol.

Edit: Or this one.

OK, that might have resolved. We added a feature earlier, so it could’ve just been that.


I’ve had issues with mobile, but not desktop.


Posting replies is still buggy. (Firefox browser)
I’ve replied twice, both have posted.
The first generated the 500 error.
The 2nd reloaded as though it hadn’t posted, but it had.

This was the 3rd reply and it has the 500 error.
No issues on the edit.

Is this all in the last day, this morning, etc?

Just now.

(no issues on that post)

I got it just now. Turned off the most recent feature to see if that was it.

Check 1, 2, 3, 4

Testing testing testing …

Turn it back on for another test, if you’d like. I’m here another 10 minutes.

(no issues on the last 2 posts)

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I’ve deactivated it, so I’ll just monitor this thread to see if anyone else experiences it; appears that was the culprit.


I was having problems with mobile for a while… mostly in April through the draft not so much the past week or two.

The website would load, and my Mel Kiper picture would be there. And the number of notifications I had.

But I couldn’t click past that, it would get stuck there. I would have to refresh & delete open tabs and finally randomly it would go to the website so that I could view the threads or my profile.


Whenever you guys encounter things like this, feel free to post it or DM me directly.

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Testing …

Yet another testing …

I am having issues!

(But the site seems to be working fine)


Testing this again …