Site Issues?

Good One That Made Me Laugh


Oh shit! Itā€™sLeBronBot


You pulling on any levers today, Nate?


it is backā€¦LOL

The issue i have run into on a few posts, not all, has been hitting post and I get an error message. Only to see that my post already posted and it thinks I am trying to post the exact same thing again.


It blinks and leaves your composer window open as though it hadnā€™t posted, even though it had


Weird glitches for me today. When I try to post I get an ā€˜Error 500ā€™ screen. And it mousetraps me appearing as if it didnā€™t post

If I close the tab and reopen it though I see it did post


I think the problem is the new AI overlord. It realizes that Mel Kiper is such a Luddite it keeps trying get you the rest of the page via fax.



I keep getting a 500 error. First, it was just mobile. Iā€™d look at what I tried to post on mobile on desktop, and it turned out to be there.

Now, on desktop, Iā€™m getting the 500 error the very first time I try to post something as a duplicate post.

Exact same problem.

May need to take a few days off from posting.

Kiper gonna lead the revolution

I learned a new word today, Luddite I like it

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On it

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Let me know if this continues. I was messing with the AI earlier so that mightā€™ve triggered something.

This still happening?

Not since yesterday on my end.

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The 500 error is nothing compared to the PC Load letter message I keep getting.

office space nothing to see here motherfucker GIF