Slay: Reunion with Patricia 'cordial' after fallout

A reminder of how big a douchebag Patricia was.

Imagine that complete failure criticizing one of the best defensive backs in franchise history after he came off an unquestionably elite season. What a prick.


He is in a class of his own.


Rumor has it, Patricia and Slay put the past behind them after bonding over their love of Taylor Swift. Both have a poster of her in their man caves and sing her songs regularly while driving alone in the car. They have made plans to attend a concert together this summer before training camp.


Gonna be expensive for Patricia, that fat ass is going to need 2 seats.


[quote=“stephenboyd57, post:3, topic:24136”]
Rumor has it, Patricia and Slay put the past behind them after bonding over their love of Taylor Swift.

Slay modified the lyrics for Patty-cakes

you yell at me like I’m just a kid
though I just stopped a play that shut the lid
on a game that they thought they’d win
And watch you tolerate it
If it’s all in my head tell me now
Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow
I know my pick should be celebrated
But you tolerate it

I think ppl who know the song & read it from the energy delivered in the song will find this hilarious

Slay offered to buy an entire section for him. Where else can they park the ATV?

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It really just shows the difference in the 2 men, Slay is a professional and proceeds like one. Patricia is very unprofessional and proceeded that way. Slay is showing to be the bigger man.


I am curious what Patricia learned from his time in Detroit, changed him in any way.

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After being humbled, he has switched brands of pencils, he’s a new man!

Figuratively, of course.

Slay should have walked in and popped Fatty Matty, turned to Howie and said, who you getting rid of me or him?

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I couldn’t name a single Taylor Swift song, and view you guys who can with a very suspicious eye.:rofl:


We know who has Taylor swift poster now


Speaking of Swift, not Taylor but D’Andre is an Eagle now too! Imagine Patricia, Slay and Swift all eating lunch together at the Eagles facility telling Lions stories, ha ha Patricia drafted Swift and traded Slay away for magic beans, and then the Lions traded Swift to the Eagles for more magic beans. Meanwhile Patricia was fired, became a coffee boy for a season, then ran the Pats offense into the shitter and now they are all together again!

sheila broflovski singing GIF by South Park

Never thought I’d agree with this. :rofl:

That had to be humbling for Patricia. He’s a virtual nobody in the Eagles organization while slay is coming off back to back pro bowl seasons. If I were slay I’d be satisfied not having to kiss this guys ass or even talk to him if I didn’t want to.

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To be honest Slay is less confrontational than Matty.

Slay will let it be but with hurt feelings it won’t take much to bruise egos again.

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