Slightly off topic - Cosby Show

My wife grew up in Wyoming so all of her childhood photos has be fashion trends five years before the national era. It’s lovely.

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Such a ladies man :wink:

As far as Cosby goes… always preferred Al Bundy myself. Cosby definitely never scored 3 TD’s in a single game

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The Wonder Years Kevin Arnold GIF by MOODMAN

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Kids? laughs in 41-year old Seth Rogan laying in bed naked with his wife, smoking weed on a Saturday morning

Ceramic omni ashtrays aren’t going to make themselves.

He tried to tell us!

Big Fan of Bill cosby. Didn’t like his comedy though. ( I think that was a Norm Joke)

Wow, if you can get your kids to sit through multiple episodes of an 80s sitcom of any kind, you are a more effective parent than I was. I did manage to slip in some Muppet Show sketches between the Barbie movies, but the Muppets are pretty timeless.


So good for bringing ppl together. I was floored when I started to realize his guilt in the matter. I loved the guy and had trouble believing it. I saw him as one of my dudes.

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Awesome, man!

All ppl should be following wheeze-man’z lead. 100% can’t go wrong!

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Except that my wife bought the $20 fake mustache for one use.

Just teach your kids not to worship “stars” and look at them like regular people. Athletes and celebrities are just people and do good & bad things like everyone else. Most of them are coddled and don’t live the way “normal” people do once they get even a little fame/money.

LT is my favorite football player ever, I love Kevin Spacey’s movies. They are both pretty shitty human beings but I can separate the person from the persona and appreciate their skill without idolizing them as people.

The Cosby Show was/is great and does hold many solid values and if you do it correctly you can use it to show them why you don’t idolize them when they get old enough to understand.

just my 2c


Right! I was never a fan of Ponderosa or Wagon Train as a kid. lol

Damn, LOL the Ponderosa. Makes me think of the Big Ditch show also knows as Big Valley.

The shows I used to love to watch and you cannot find anymore are the old pirate movies on AMC and TNT on Saturdays. The Erol Flynn etc I loved those.

I have zero issues if any of my children or grandchildren were to watch it.

Here’s the truth, we’re all fans of people that are degenerates when they’re off-camera or away from the mics. Sometimes we know it, sometimes we don’t.

That’s the lesson, not “there are wholesome entertainers and that’s all we’re going to dial into”.

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Why would it even matter? We lie to our children all the time about us and our pasts. Watching a TV show isn’t much different. It’s about providing a concept for how they should live. Whether they become teenagers or adults and take to it is up to them.

I structured my family life after the Cosby show. My wife and kids love and appreciate the home that I’ve provided. They feel protected. They feel heard. They love it.


Watched 16 Candles with my boys earlier this year, telling them this came out when I was in high school. Went to dinner with a large group and the topic of classic movies came up, told them the story and a woman chimed in “you mean the date rape movie.” Had never heard that before. I responded asking if she was talking about Long Duc Dong, when he said “no more yanky my wanky, the donger need food,” and was surprised at how offended/angry she got. Never thought about that movie in those terms.

Welcome to 2024…Where everyone is offended whether they should be or not

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My brother!

Can they sing?

I was laying carpet in Rochester as a teen (many years ago). The installer I worked with used to mumble a bit of “The Duke of Earl” while we were working. One of the family members heard it, and as it turns out it was one of their favorites.
I can still see it today:
Someone kicked the music on in the other room behind a wall…
That dad came out from behind the wall singing into a wooden spoon…
And at just the right time the young teenage daughter slid out singing her part into a curling iron. Coolest thing ever.