So who do you guys want to win and why?

I want the chiefs to win
The reason, my step mom his die hard fan.
Plus sick of big market teams winning.

I want the niners. I am from San Francisco till we moved to Ann Arbor when I was 14. Grandfather worked for the team in the 70’s, 80’s. So clearly everyone is a a niner fan on that side of the family.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Thanks dad for being a Barry sanders fan.:joy::man_facepalming:t2:

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KC cuz they haven’t in my lifetime and I like Andy Reid as a HC…

But I think I’m picking the 9ers, Defense and run the ball… I do think they’ll pass over 20 times vs the Chiefs though.

My first favorite team was the Chiefs. As a wee lad.

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My best friend is from KC and a Chiefs fan, so I’m rooting for the 49ers. Just kidding. I’m rooting for KC, a little, very little.

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Niners, so I can believe you can go from a shitty season to SB winner in one year’s time,

I believe…
I believe…


49er’s so I don’t have to hear the Maholmes blowhards all off season!

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What’s worse, though, Mahomes fans or Richard Sherman?

Yeah that’s a tough call…Probably Sherman lol

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9ers because Richard Sherman makes my Dad angry

Chiefs, so I can see proof that an overweight coach can win.


Chiefs. Im a fan of Andy Reid. I like mahomes and hill as well.

I’ll be glad for Richard Christie & his dad as well.

Noting against San Fran though. Im really just hoping for a great game.

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All the possum and squirrel you can eat at the Christie’s tonight!


SF as they seem more old school … over finesse… smash mouth that rock!!

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Hometown boy Anthony Zettel plays for the 49ers would be cool to see him get a ring.


I’m a old school, smashmouth football fan.
9’ers are the best and most versatile team in the game, right now.
But, I do recognize that it’s the Chief’s/Mahomes turn.
Remember how Arizona got the bone when it was the Steelers turn? That’s what I expect.


Indeed. As does Tabor (practice squad).

The game will come down to who has the better pad level. And the skinnier coach.


Poor espnbaby, never going to live down that thread.