Some Positives Post Dallas debacle

So, plenty to complain about, plenty of players all over the field who coulda shoulda played better to prevent this loss, yet there were some positives as well.

  1. The third quarter woes seem to be turning a corner, started a couple games back and last night the Lions outscored their opponent in the 3rd qtr for the first time all year. Good news.

  2. The defense. AG called a solid gameplan last night, some perfect plays at the right time. The defense, like the 3rd qtr issues, has been trending up. Holding dallas to 20 when they avg 40pts a game at home…that is doing well.

edit:2a, Does this late season turn around help Glenn get HC interviews.

  1. Goff, remember positive thread here, look good on that last drive, drove the team to a TD in under 2m and no timeouts.

  2. Hutchinson turns the pressures into sacks, ties his sack number from last year.

  3. St Brown and LaPorta came through in that last drive.

  4. Fake punt worked well.

  5. CJGJ, Houston, McNeil should be back by the playoffs, hopefully first two get some time next week against Minny.

So, as frustrating as it was there were positives from last night that are showing at the right time of the year.


Lions may be able to rest some key starters vs Minnesota.

At WR, DPJ & Green should get more opportunities.

At RB, Craig Reynolds & maybe one of the PS guys get the bulk of the carries.

Decker and Rags should both sit, and get the extra rest. They both need it.


Biggest thing for me, regarding sitting playing players next week is if you sit key OL players than you better sit Goff. Let Teddy and HH get some reps, Teddy will probably finish the game as a tribute to him retiring the game, seems like a DC move.


I’m sitting as many guys as possible. Obviously we have to field a gameday roster.

But it’s Tom Kennedy and Will Harris time baby :laughing:

Biggest positives for me.

  1. The play of the defense
  2. Team showing they can still handle a good old fashion fist fight type of game

A whole pile of fuel added to the fire for everyone heading into the playoffs. Siege mentality can be used and any chance of complacency or just being happy to be in the play offs was vaporized last night.

Get the o line to tidy up some of their whiffs and if the defence keeps this kind of form up then the lions can rumble with anyone.

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Bc of the screw job short of upsets we’ll now need to win two of those types of games to make the Super Bowl.

The positive is I totally believe this team can and will be playing in the NFC Championship game barring another crazy error like last night.


If that defense shows up every single week we can win the Super Bowl.

Now I don’t think that defense shows up every week but if…

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Well, think that defense and then adding CJGJ, McNeil and Houston, team seems to be improving at the right time.

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And we now have a “why”?

That was my biggest concern. We win round 1 and then it’s like mission accomplished. No longer. Especially if Dallas win in TB.

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Hutch has 9.5 sacks and 28 qb hits. Imagine what he could do with a healthy Alim and Houston. He might actually not get double teamed constantly.

Number 1 priority in the offseason has to be more pass rushing help.

The run defense has been very good


Im sitting every body. Keep Barnes, campbell and Vidor out there, they need the work. But every offensive contributor should be inactive and most of the defense.

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