Source: Packers' Rodgers tests positive for COVID

For my own sanity, I 've already decided that Love will be a massive bust who sets the Packers back for at least a decade.


I really don’t care about this but….

The above article says the MfL and the Packers have had AR listed as unvaccinated all season……

It’s interesting.

Because it’s contagious in a team sport and the cost
Including missing time
Added risk like injuries can be so impactful during short nfl season with just a few games in comparison to other sports

Paying the talent so much working in close quarters … think of the difference in GB competitively wo Rodgers and Adam’s - it could cost an owner millions if they lose home field advantage or miss playoffs , cost other jobs —
Do owners wanting to mitigate risks as much as possible making vaccines a preference for the owner in the same way they’d rather a drunk player use a car service … it’s protecting the owners interest in the player -

But if Rodgers , with such a high profile , has been gaming the system while the people who were supposed to pay attention didn’t …

I blame the media for not noticing this earlier to bring to my attention !


Yep! Screw fact…. Being the first with news and clickbait is what count now a days!! :rage:

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What a total idiot. lol. Way to blow up your season by refusing to do something so simple, douche.

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Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.


They have to be careful as Some Tall Tales come true! :crazy_face:


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Is there really any difference between Rodgers being unvaccinated and catching covid and the handful of players that were vaccinated and still caught covid?

I’m pretty sure since he is under 70 and is a professional athlete he will be just fine.

But also FTP


I think there is a slight difference in how quick you can return. But I’m not up on it. What I see as his biggest problem is violating Covid protocols. Or the Packers allowing him too. That could get him suspended longer.

That’s funny….I’ve taken a very similar approach lol

The Packers had 2 WR’s test positive last week, both were jabbed, Rodgers likely caught the virus from his jabbed teammates.

The Giants had 13 guys test positive yesterday, then retested them all and only 1 was positive. How can you have 12 false positives in the same day? It just doesn’t make any sense.

And a more important question is why are they still testing players? The stands are packed, none of the fans are tested.

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That maybe true. But he could’ve still missed a game for having the jab. Just like Adams. Lord they played last year with covid.

Complete shitshow, and so is the NFL…:wink:

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Owners don’t pay the fans to attend.

The players work in buildings together , eat together , locker room


If there were lots of outbreaks being traced and reported by fans due to sttending Ganes
Owners Might treat it differently

Right the fans pay tons of money to attend and the owners get richer. I think we have found the answer.

With your status, I’ll bet you’re allowed in 5 minutes early on green tag days at the thrift store…

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If the Packers miss out on home field advantage as a result…


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving team.

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The league is / was just trying to avoid the worst of the politics of the situation by appearing to be “doing something” while not actually sacrificing revenue.

In that sort of a scenario, common sense yields to expediency.