South Dakota, whaddya got?

My schedule now is to go to Wounded Knee, Custer State Park, Mt Rushmore, a train ride thru the Badlands on 1880, then laying back in Deadwood before going to Red Lodge, Mt., and continuing down to Wyoming to go fishing. This is uncharted territory for me.


I think thereā€™s a grave of someone really important up on a mountain somewhere near Deadwood.

I have grave concerns.

Mt Rushmore and the Badlands are among my wifeā€™s favorite places in the world. Apparently thereā€™s good rock hunting, if youā€™re into that boring hobby (or have a spouse that forces you into it).

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Iā€™ll be on the fly most of the time but I spent many hours searching for fossils and arrow heads where I grew up and enjoyed it. I have considered sticking around in the area for an extra day if I find something I really like and want to spend more time exploring.

I have loved my time in the Badlands. Custer State Park is awesome in that area.

Have a close Friend in Wyoming he lives on the Paint Rock Creek some of the best Trout fishing I have ever seen.

I walleye fish south of there on Glendo reservoir, but Iā€™ll have my trout set up with me. Taking the Beartooth hwy from Red Lodge down in to Wy, and then Iā€™ll be going down thru Thermopolis which is close to Paint Creek. If I have the time Iā€™ll get my line in the water there, thanks for the tip.

GEOCACHE :crazy_face:

Been out there multiple times on the motorcycle as itā€™s one of my all time favorite places to ride. The needles highway near Mt. Rushmore is a gorgeous trip either by car or motorcycle. It can be an all day excursion by itself. Wall Drug is the best tourist trap ever and definitely worth the side trip when visiting the Badlands State Park. I expect to see a picture of you and yours on the Jackalope at Wall Drug. One of the best picture opportunities you will find, not to mention all the fun ā€˜mannequinā€™ pics you can get in there. The Badlands themselves are one of the most beautiful places you can ever visit and a totally hidden gem. Have fun out there!!!

I could do that, leaving Wounded Knee on my way to Custer State Park it looks like itā€™s maybe 20 minutes out of the way. Iā€™ll be coming in from the south and then headed west so I wonā€™t be hitting Wall Drug, and Iā€™m traveling alone as my wife,(bless her heart), will be working. Staying by Keystone and then Deadwood. Taking the 1880 Train out of Keystone, it goes right thru the heart of the Black Hills. This is something of a scouting mission and to visit friends in Red Lodge and Wyoming. Iā€™ve always taken the southern route of 80 to 25, this time Iā€™m giving up some fishing days to see the sites.

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Donā€™t know if Drekkerā€™s brewing is distributed in SD, if yes, try it, they have some interesting beers. They are a ND brewery.

youā€™re really dedicated if you get a tree stand.

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Stand-Up Lol GIF by Muppet Wiki

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So, in preparation for the trip Iā€™m reading, ā€œBury My Heart at Wounded Kneeā€. Usually I have to have drinks with my mother-in-law to experience this kind of depression.


I would put that drive right up with the Beartooth Highway, it was really great and thanks for the suggestion. I took some pictures and looked at them and realized they didnā€™t come close to capturing what I was viewing. I bought a pass good for a week, going to drive it again today from the opposite direction.

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Totally agree about Beartooth pass being amazing also. Glad your having a great trip. We loved it out there. Hope you encounter the wild donkey herd at some point if you make it to Custer State Park. They are hilarious beggars.

Drove it this morning out of Red Lodge. Caught Devils Tower and Little Big Horn yesterday. After Beartooth it was the Chief Joseph HWY, also great,and then south of Thermopolis went thru the Wind River canyon, also great. Now in Glendo to walleye fish tomorrow. Might come home early and go to Detroit for the Seattle game.

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Now that is an amazing trip! Hope the walleye are biting! Safe travels home. We will be heading to Colorado this weekend for youngest grandsons birthday. Great time to see the elk in full rut.

The Aspens are turning, so the drives in Colorado will be good. They donā€™t have as many up there, just a patch here and there vs the ā€œquiltā€ look you get in Colorado.
Not sure if they are still requiring reservations for Rocky Mountain National Park but they may be because the locals go up there on the weekends for the changing colors. Have a great trip, I used to live in FT Collins and spent most of my time going up Poudre Canyon and hitting the Red Feather Lakes.