Special Teams % position flexibility Importance w/ draft picks

I haven’t looked to confirm this but, …

even our 12thpcik played some special teams… correct?

I think short of maybe the O-line, all our draft picks the last two year can come in a get immediate game time on ST’s… yes?

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Just from listening to Brad’s post draft interviews as well as our day 3 picks’ interviews the vibe I get is that to get drafted by this team on day 3 you absolutely have to be good special teams player. I think the only guy that wasnt a great specials teams player we drafted on day 3 between last year and this year is Jefferson, who barely was able to get PT because of it.

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Looks like it to me. Competition everywhere. ST play will determine which “bubble players” get popped off of the roster.

And we have a punter with position flexibility to be one of the highest rated passers in league history!

If you go back to Jefferson’s interview right after we drafted him he clearly understood the importance of special teams and he said even “stars” like himself were given practice reps on special teams because their coaches preached that they would need that skill in the NFL.

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