St Brown Trolls Bears^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1652142717944623104|twgr^82ad2af757f770c4e8c216ae4a60850a2c143a52|twcon^s1_c10&

Absolutely love this guy.


The energy is different over here. …

St. Brown vs Bears fans…

Seems Legit Get Out GIF


The fact that his brother plays for the bears makes it even sweeter. :joy:


Love it

F the Bears

Lions are about to go on a run in the NFCN


Love the man!


If we can just shut down Fields running ability, the secondary is going to intercept about 12 of his passes.


I remember on their podcast his brother said he enjoyed the move from Green Bay to Chicago because “I can actually go to restaurants and stuff like that now. They don’t have that in Green Bay.” It was kind of an odd comment. But sure as shit Aaron Rodgers said the same thing at his intro press conference about getting out of Green Bay.

How small and isolated is that town? My god I had no idea it was that bad.


Yea, there is nothing to do. They can’t go anywhere without being recognized. Whereas in New York, wear some sunglasses and people won’t even know who you are.

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Take battle creek and put it in the UP and you have a good idea of what Green Bay is like. Actually…Battle Creek might be a little better than GB in terms of food and stuff to do :sweat_smile:


I would agree with that. BC is probably bigger lol

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Love is.

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It’s official, this kid’s cracked my top ten fav Lions ever. And he’s climbing fast.


I caught that too. Crazy how different Amon Ra is different from his brother. EQ seems like the type of dude to take the bag and Ra is the guy that would take a discount to win a Super Bowl.

I love St Browns little dig while announcing our second rd pick at the podium last night…
“So, this is what it’s like to be up here”.
Obviously referencing the fact that by the numbers, he should have walked across the stage (as a first rounder) on day one of his draft class.
Dude is motivating himself continually.


One Baaaaaad MF’r.
He represents us perfectly, man.
Gibbs will too, but in a very different way.
Equal intensity & work ethic, but shy AF as a human.

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I worked at The Kohler Company in Sheboygan and lived there for 6 years before moving back to Grand Rapids. Went to Lambeau twice to watch the Lions and went to a few other Packers games just because friends or co-workers with tix invited us. Green Bay is bigger than Cadillac, roughly the size of Traverse City only not “resorty” … very industrial. Lots of bars like all WI towns, lots of small restaurants/diners but very few “fine dining” upscale restaurants. The dining in Traverse City is way better than Green Bay. Brett Farve literally built a Steakhouse and it was probably the nicest place in Green Bay at the time and very popular because…it had Brett Farve’s name on it and was a upscale steakhouse so Packer players (walking Gods in WI) were there a lot. People would eat there just hoping to see Packer players.

It went out of business a couple years ago and was torn down for a new hotel

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Not a reach or a stretch. I started thinking about it when I read this. We all obviously have our favorite guys from various years for various reasons, but man… I’m not sure he doesn’t break into my own top 10.

He seems like the kind of guy that will be picking up our draft picks from the airport 15 years from now and the young kids will be excited to meet retired Lion WR Amon-Ra St Brown in person.


I so love this guy, great WR, better person.

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