Stafford family working to get people food during Covid


I wonder if Kelly Stafford can ever just do something without requiring recognition for it?

I would rather see articles about Stafford working out hard during this. He’s paid to be an NFL QB, not a good citizen.

Fluff like this couldn’t be any less important. Win games. Period

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Love our QB, both as a person, and as a professional.


You must be an angry and lonely old man Iggy.


You need a hug.

Actually, yes they can. We talked over Christmas now they went and visited two little boys who had lost their father and they spent the evening with the family. The mother posted the account on Twitter and Instagram. The stafford family didn’t post anything on it and it was not lions organized. It was just them making an impact on two little boys.


Or I just couldn’t give a rats ass what Stafford and his mouth piece do? Kelly Stafford is an attention whore, who can’t keep her mouth shut. I can’t wait for them to take their act to another city. Kelly can’t do anything without requiring attention for it. It’s old and it’s pathetic.

You have posters like the OP, who think that shit like this matters. It doesn’t.
I would rather have a criminal at QB, if it meant he were a leader and we won more games.

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Somebody should take their own advice and keep their mouth shut. You feel the need to drag other posters down to your level of misery. You have nothing to say so you should just pass on this thread. You have issues, we get it. And you’re the biggest attention whore on this board, so I guess it takes one to know one. In any case, you should simply respect that other posters may find this topic noteworthy at this time, and just take a deep breath and, if need be, put on your Cowboy jammies and have a good cry.


It really does matter my man. I really don’t care what your opinion is on this. You sit here and like to pump up your understanding of football at the expense of others, fine, do your thing. BUT…this topic is something I know a great deal about due to my profession. You…are…dead…wrong.


Only Iggy would try to put a negative spin on someone doing a kind act.
If it were Dak Prescott, Iggy would be shining his nuts.
I truly feel sorry for Iggy some days.


Staffords job is to lead this team to victories. How does giving meals to families help him achieve that? Athletes are NOT paid to be role models or good citizens. They’re paid to play a violent game at a high level. I have no idea why fans like you think they need to be role models? This stuff doesn’t matter in the slightest. It really only matters to SJW that don’t understand that most athletes are scumbags, that think they’re above the law.

This stuff doesn’t matter in the slightest. Sure, it’s a cute story. Doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that he has an 8-55 record against playoff teams. He’s a fraud, but he’s a good guy! Yay!!! Stafford not being able to put a muzzle on his wife in social media, just shows that he has a bit of cuck in him. Not a leader.

Worst record as starter vs. playoff teams since 2001

  1. David Carr 3-33 (.083)
  2. Derek Carr 4-33 (.108)
  3. Matthew Stafford 8-55 (.127)
  4. Blake Bortles 4-25 (.138)
  5. Jameis Winston 4-23 (.148)

But he’s a good guy!!! He can’t get his wife to shut up on social media, how is he going to be able to lead this team to any real wins? He can’t, he doesn’t have it in him.

Maybe Stafford can win the good citizen MVP award!!


Yeah, so you are still dead wrong. You have said some really pathetic things over the years but this one is near the top.

Go huge your money ya Scrooge.


Saying that athletes aren’t paid to be role models is pathetic? Saying that this has absolutely nothing to do with winning at the NFL level is pathetic? What is Staffords job? NFL QB or worlds best citizen?

Fans need to demand more and understand what matters. The ONLY thing that matters is winning football games.

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What makes you think Iggy has any money?

He gloats about winning a $20 bet on here! LOL
He’s got about as much money as he does women, zero.


WTF would Stafford EVER struggle here Iggy?

A. Inexperienced clown show leaders??? check.

B. A often tanking defense??? check.

C. One of the Chittiest RB units in the NFL always ??? check.

D. Pass Protection??? well if you count Stafford getting injured each season --check.

E, A man that was made first time HC with ZERO experience??? check.

F. a Constantly changing Scheme and Game Plan??? check.

what’s wrong with this picture?

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Being a role model goes with the gig, like it or not! And it doesn’t have to be one or the other…believe it or not he can be a good NFL quarterback and a good citizen!

At the end of the day this is entertainment and there is way more to life then whether the Lions are successful or not…trying times like these should tell you that!

As far as controlling his wife…that is a ridiculous comment, she is a human with her own thoughts and feelings and can post them in the manner she sees fit…just like you do on this board!!!


Some really hot takes here lol. Love it.

I will say, I agree with a few things Iggy is saying. The part I’m not sure I agree with is that the Stafford’s efforts off the field here will negatively impact what he does on the field. I think he can still accomplish everything he needs to do with the Lions + participate in the food effort here.

I do not think that being a role model comes with the gig. I actually kind of dislike that mentality. These guys aren’t any more obligated to be good citizens and role models as Anthony Fauci is obligated to be a sports fan or to help out with offseason workouts. They are two totally different things. Just because someone makes a lot of money and is a public figure it certainly does NOT mean they are obligated to be a role model of any sorts. That’s a huge misconception imo.

If we’re focusing just on football, yes - all that matters is winning football games. That’s Stafford’s #1 job. Not feeding the community during hard times. Is it nice of him and his wife to do it? Sure - Absolutely! Are they required to do it? Definitely not. (Side note - I do also think Kelly’s social media presence leaves a lot to be desired)

If these efforts negatively impact Stafford’s abilities to lead the Lions to victories than I’d be against it. I just don’t think that’s the case though. I think he’s capable of participating in this very considerate food drive and still doing his job as a Lion.

Now, whether or not Stafford is capable of doing that with or without the distractions is an entirely separate conversation we’ve all had for years now. That’s a different discussion.

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Or I just couldn’t give a rats ass what Stafford and his mouth piece do? Kelly Stafford is an attention whore, who can’t keep her mouth shut. I can’t wait for them to take their act to another city. Kelly can’t do anything without requiring attention for it. It’s old and it’s pathetic.

You have posters like the OP, who think that shit like this matters. It doesn’t.
I would rather have a criminal at QB, if it meant he were a leader and we won more games.

Is this satire or are you actually serious? If this is serious, what’s wrong with you?

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Where did anyone say he was obligated to being a role model?

You can’t honestly believe by virtue of his position and being the face of the Lions that young kids in the crowd and watching on TV don’t automatically look up to him? Not saying he asked for that or aspired to be one but it does come by virtue of it.

Sad that people can’t just be people without being bashed for it…regardless of how Kelly goes about it on social media…look at the bigger picture in the context of the state the world is currently in!

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“Where did anyone say he was obligated to being a role model?”

You literally did in your post LOL. Hahaha