Stay Classy Dallas!

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That’s a strange one

Was this before or after the party bus?
I can see Jones showing up like Chapelle’s buddy Chip…“I’m sorry officer…I …uuuhhhh…didn’t know you couldn’t do that.”

Cowboys trying to compete with Washington for the classiest organization in the NFC East.

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It’s a sad state of affairs when the NYC team and fans are the best behaved in a conference.


But he claimed his innocence…after the Cowboys shelled out a $2.4m settlement. Fricken creep.


I wonder if the cheerleaders’ boyfriends had to rush to the store and get them cranberry juice for their NFC yEast infection


The Cowboys internal investigation was a sham. If they wanted to know w/o a doubt, they would have either gotten permission from or would be denied by Creepface to access to his family personal phone account to see if he did have a phone of his own and not just his company phone.

The settlement keeps a lawsuit’s discovery from compelling this information from him or subpoenas to the major carriers.


This guy sounds like a piece of garbage, especially for these allegations but also for his long time role. PR scum… must be nice to be dishonorably retired when an average person would/should get jail time

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Hold on, there is still the Eagles… nevermind.


NFL: The Washington Crapnames are not allowed to investigate themselves

Also the NFL: We are fine with the Dallas Cowboys investigating themselves


Great point @Slay! The NFL is so full of shit these days.

Also the NFL: We sincerely care about players health and safety, while showing replays of players getting knocked out on the field over and over and over again from every camera angle possible.

The Cowboys continue to have a great offseason.


You’ve got to be classy before you can stay classy…

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry (Springer)!


So, a minor who cant be a party to a contract is bound by that contract agreed to by their parent/guardian…but for life including being an adult? In a matter of paternity, which is a matter of economic injury/loss/inheritance?

I havent dealt w that part of the paternity case world (though have others in my work)…

I believe Jerrah will be pulling out (his checkbook), which he clearly wasn’t very skilled at while his Cowboy Cobra still stood up on Command.


The booms and busts of drilling for oil

What about Maury Povich, he dedicated his career to this, lol

Happy Maury Povich GIF


Wow that is really something… although because it’s him, it’ll go the way of a fake massage parlor frequented by Robert Kraft… but good for her! I hope she can prove it and gets a good deal of money from it if true!

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