Suh, Stafford, and Kelly (because it’s January, deal with it)

This warrants its own thread. Say what you want but Kelly’s take is :100:.

But I just want to point out one thing: The best way to say ‘F you’ to someone without having to actually say it is to throw a dime right in their face at a zero all-out blitz right as he’s coming for you. And you throw it right as he hits you and it hits Cooper (Kupp) right in the hands, and your kicker kicks a game-winning field goal. … Matthew has done very good against an all-out blitz all year, so it was a very interesting call. So he saw it coming and just waited until Suh got as close as he could and just launched it right in his face. … Sometimes, you gotta shut them up with your play. You don’t have to say anything. You don’t have to do anything. … Matthew could care less, but I loved , I loved watching him throw that ball right in Suh’s face.

Damn, Kelly.

Also, Suh is a douchebag, so I’d start there.


LOL - I love Matt. Love Kelly. Loved what Suh Brought to us too…OMG he was fun to watch.

That said, this feels like justice to me. I will always be on the side of what I think is right and this makes me smile.


How can anyone not like her?

She’s got spunk. She’s a firecracker and I can see why Matt has 4 girls. Who wouldn’t want to duplicate that?

On the flip side poor Matt when those girls become teenagers … lmao.


He’ll do great. He has the perfect energy for it, and the Lioness he married will be a joint venture. He’s got that shit under control. That’s how he got 4 kids. She looks up to her dude a ton. I love it!


Yeah , let’s see if they get dads arm strength, how about a nice side arm slap in the face .


And a nice round house…

And girls upon the age and time where they can handle it correctly, should be taught five years minimum of some style of martial arts that leans towards striking imo…,

Effective striking systems teach younger women how to use their hands, arms, feet, legs, and sometimes elbows and knees to defend against a perpetrator. Striking allows them to quickly and powerfully impact an attacker from a distance to disable or at the very least stun him. After the attacker is immobilized from a strike, the victim?! can flee the scene and call for help. That’s why martial arts with an emphasis on striking rank is higher imho!

We need more powderpuff girls dads and grand dads!! :crazy_face::heart::pray::upside_down_face:

I think most players like Matt…but how many of them are going to like him when he straightens his leg into their nuts while their rolling around?
And then Matt plays dumb.

Like, everyone that has played football has probably gotten-in a cheap-shot here or there…and I get it, you play dumb to the refs because you want to get away with it and don’t want to get a penalty. And maybe Matt is still playing dumb (or he was smart and told Kelly the truth but told her not to say anything) because he doesn’t want to get fined or whatever.

I just can’t believe anyone cares what Kelly thinks or has to say, that’s the more entertaining part to me.
To each their own I guess.

Look led it up on YouTube, first video describes it as Matt kicked Suh…hmmmm.

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Get help.


Can you find a pic of when Suh was pointing his finger, but more importantly, clinching his mouth into a sphincter shape? “Oooooh, he’s mad , I better listen.”

Pucker face Suh.



Your obsessive hatred of Stafford makes everyone here uncomfortable, and that includes fellow haters. How many letters have you written him using words you cut from magazines?

But I’m glad you base evidence on how a random YouTube user titles a video. I fear the day you search “Sasquatch mates with Loch Ness?”

Jesus, dude. Get a grip.


The flag on that play was a joke

Suh has had a hall of fame caliber career. Made a boat load of money as an interior lineman and got his superbowl ring.

Until Stafford is holding up that lombardi trophy Kelly needs to zip it.

There is something that happened during the Schwartz years because thus isn’t the first time Suh has gotten into it with Stafford

And she knows football.




Yes, there is. Stafford was the face of the franchise and always the brightest star in Detroit. Suh is a jealous narcissist.


i know what you mean–and how matt and kelly will feel --=wife and i raised 4 daughters


It counters your man crush on Stafford :joy: :joy: :joy:

The universe has to have balance


Fuck Suh. I’ve always been a fan but I didn’t see anything that Matt did? And honestly, Suh has done so much shady shit in his career who the fuck is he to complain. Lol loved he got a penalty.

I was yelling for Matt to go say something to Suh at the end of the game but I know that’s not Matt’s style….but would have been awesome if he did.


In the end, Suh was just an obstacle that Stafford successfully worked around. Suh made it personal, Stafford didn’t care, and all Suh has to show for it is a solo grudge.

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I find it ironic that nobody here gets offended by Mahomes trashy baby-momma.

I know I know…spraying champagne on innocent, unsuspecting people isn’t near as bad as throwing a piece of pretzel at a obnoxious fan that is harassing you.

Brittnay Matthews is further proof that you can take a girl out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl. I am honestly surprised that Patrick has not upgraded on that horse faced skank.

She and his mother post ignorant shit constantly on twitter…no problem. They are reason enough for us to hope the Bengals can upset the Chiefs.

Suh was the best in the world at what he does in his prime. And Suh and Calvin were the face of the lions before he left. Stafford is a career underachiever until proven otherwise


I get it now.


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