Swift angry at lack of usage vs GB

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Johnson acknowledged Thursday that Swift was frustrated with his limited role last week against the Packers.

Swift had two carries for 10 yards and three catches for 40 yards while playing a season-low 10 snaps. On several occasions, he looked like he was ready to enter the game, only to have the Lions use Jamaal Williams or Justin Jackson instead.

“I think he got pissed off a little bit," Johnson said. “He caught that third down and was just a little bit short and we took him out. But that’s good. That’s good. That means he’s going the right direction for us.”

Swift, who has battled shoulder and ankle injuries most of the season, has declined interview requests this week. He was a limited participant in practice Thursday.

“It’s a balance right now for him because once again he hasn’t felt 100%, and that’s been a big part of it is when he’s feeling good and it’s going to show up on Sunday in a positive way for us,” Johnson said. "So, we’ll see. We’ll see as the week goes on in practice, we’ll see on Sunday as we get into the game just how much or how little we use him.”


I had thought he was dinged or something and that’s why he didn’t come back in. He had that extra little burst to try and avoid the defender on that reception. I was thinking “Yay, Swift is back” and then barely saw him after that.


Ben Johnson is spot on reading those quotes… if you want to play more Swift how about being available to practice during the week when the game plan is being put in. They are limiting your snaps because every time we give you more than 20 snaps, you’re out for 3 or 4 weeks.

Last week he got 10 snaps, hopefully this week he gets 15 or 20, jumping him up to 40 snaps and his body will literally snap.


Exactly. This is one of those situations where the player is always going to say he’s good to go and you have to be smart with him. Be the adult in the room that has to say, “we don’t need you for 40 snaps this week, we need you for 150 snaps the next nine games.”

Of course he’s frustrated with the lack of playing time. Who wouldn’t be. Just get healthy, man. I don’t know of a single person who isn’t rooting for a healthy DeAndre Swift.


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And to be fair, we ALL are frustrated with his playing time; but I think 90% of the population realizes who he is and what he can do. Which is why I think we’re so supportive of him which we aren’t in all cases. I love the guy. I hate the injuries. But in some situations (which I know some don’t like) you have to think long term. I want him 100% for the next five years. He’s worth it. It’s a shame they even have to make a decision after next season.


He’s under contract for 2023, so no decision quite yet, but agreed with everything else you said!

We tried to feature him in the run game last year and again early this season, and he was very good, but his body just can’t take the punishment, if Swift is smart, he will realize his only chance for a 7-8 year career is being a 3rd down back with the occasional start mixed in here of there when the #1 back can’t go.

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That’s right, edited it for accuracy.

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Swift is mad that no one has any confidence in his ability to stay healthy?

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Swift: “I am extremely disappointed about how much time I have been playing!”

Lions fans: “We have been saying that for years!”

scott glenn kevin garvey GIF by The Leftovers HBO


Erin says “I don’t think that The Lions really beat us…it was more about us making mistakes.” well gee Mr Rogers , that still means that your team lost that game to The Detroit Lions, no matter what the fuck you believe.


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can’t stay healthy but bitch because he wasn’t used enough vs Green Bay , how about you NOT miss GAMES at an absurd rate , then “maybe” you will be used more you made in China assmunch ! your a good player when you choose to play.


Swift to request being traded to Rams in the off season confirmed.

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Part of Swift’s frustration is his usage for getting the TD, JW gets them all. I am a firm believer in allowing the RB who worked the ball down the field to get the TD.

Touchdowns usually keeps a running back happy, and for whatever reason Swift is not used around the goal line, even though he is the best RB on the team and the highest paid.

I believe this is due to his health. Even at 100% healthy, he cannot be 100% trusted health-wise. So why have him run through piles of 20 guys all bigger than him when Jamaal will happily put a bruising on a LB if given the chance?

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So you believe he’s healthy enough to get the ball to the 1 yard line, but not healthy enough to run it in, makes no sense to me. In fact, across the NFL the offense has the advantage from the 1 yard line. Give him the ball and make him a happy camper, that makes sense.

Cannot and will not feel sorry for Swift. He wants more touch’s? Stay healthy! Otherwise realize you are a limited use RB3 and accept that. The team can no longer count on you and if they are smart they draft his replacement in April and send him packing!


Problem is, he was healthy this Sunday, only to be limited by the coaching staff. He was seen several times trying to run on the field. So who’s fault is it that he had limited snaps on Sunday, not Swift.