Tavai is putting in work

Maybe just maybe MP’s dumb scheme had him thinking too much and just not playing football…who knows…all I can remember are his poor pre-snap reads, biting hard on PA and completely whiffing on one on one open field tackles…but he is busting his ass…love to see it.

I’m old enough to remember the, “Jarrad Davis looks like a whole new player” stories heading into camps.


Agree with this for ALL players coming back from last year…

Many underestimate the cultural thing…

If you are not happy internally, you don’t perform as well - period.

If these players feel appreciated and look forward to coming to practice and playing Sundays vs just showing up and doing the minimum - we might be supremely surprised come game day…

If we win our opener vs SF!!! :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rage::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::crazy_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::thinking::pray::pray::pray::pray:


I’m a little concerned about the new staff…

“I’ve been really impressed with Jahlani,” DeLeone said. “He’s been here, he’s been doing a great job.”

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Partly it depends on what they’ll ask him to do. Dropping 10-15 lbs can make you a bit faster and quicker, but it won’t make you any smarter and that IMHO is really the question. Jalani is heading into his 3rd year under a new DC and a new Defense, in which one might suspect could mean his role/responsibilities will be different. Experience is a great teacher, and it may be that last year he wasn’t allowed to do some things differently under Patricia that might’ve helped his game performance. Maybe.

All I’m saying is, hold your water and let’s see how he does.


I agree Wise, I just wonder how much of the issue with him was really what was being asked of him by Patricia and company. If Campbell does what he says and simplifies things I will be looking forward to how it works out for Tavai and some of the other young guys that looked lost at times on the field the last few seasons.

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His issue wasn’t his weight/athleticism though…

All that off season work is all fine and dandy. But by the way he shed that warm up suit, it looks the same way he handled blockers.

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I am curious about the MP effect. We keep hearing that players played slow and didn;t react because of everything MP required. JD was offered a deal in Detroit but he wanted a fresh start somewhere else. I am not holding my breath bc like everyone is saying…what we saw on the field last year was god awful, but perhaps a change of scenery and dropping that weight will help. It has been said that MP made him bulk up for HIS style of defense. Maybe these changes will help…can only go up from here.

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I, for one, can’t wait to see Tavai this year. He’s the guy that I probably expect more from than the average fan. In his case, that means I haven’t written him off completely.

That said, there are three LBs ahead of him on the roster, including JRM who DeLeone described as a 3-down linebacker.


Don’t be. We traded up for Barnes and I do not see Tavai having anything remotely good enough skillset wise to play ahead of Barnes. What you won’t see when a coach is asked about him, is him saying “well, he’s a slow assed, zero agility, zero instincts turd who won’t make the roster.” But we’ll see what they really think of him come September “if” he’s still here.


And Patrick edwards was going to be the next big thing but then wasn’t.

Let’s see how he looks in week 1.


I’ll be honest, I’m rooting for Tavai (and big V for that matter). If for no other reason than get enough guys with island heritage that the Lions can have a bad ass haka chant before a game sometime. LOL.


Same here, but for a different reason. If we can turn those nothings into something, that puts the team that much closer to contention that much faster.


I believe in people’s ability to change more than damn near anyone. That said, I’m in the Tavai’s gotta prove it. He was pretty bad. It’s one thing to shift mindset, it’s another to take a human in their athletic prime and shave a full second off of their 40 time. Exaggerating to make a point, but you get what I’m saying.


I’d love to see Jahlani become a decent player.


I’ve never seen anyone better at running up to the pile after the play is over and standing over it than Tavai.

So if that’s a skill that’s needed in the new Glenn Campbell Wichita Lion-men defense, Tavai’s got it covered.


Or working hard enough

Oh man that atmosphere at ford field is going to be insane. I know Campbell is going to have that team fired up, but now add 100% occupancy…that’s going to be a playoff atmosphere if they start fast.


I think Tavai and Harris are in a prove it year. If they fail to show up this year then their careers will likely be over.

So far neither has shown much or instilled much confidence.

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