The Atlanta game has me rethinking the 2021 drat

Sewell and st brown great picks mcneil a very solid pick until Sunday I thought iggy and Barnes were misses. Both played well Sunday. Barnes has sown promise before Sunday and iggy looked like a wasted pick . But man they played awsome game 2021 drat has just from very good to great


Barnes I had hoped would turn it on later kinda how Deandre Levy did. So far he’s hitting strides. Shout out to @Cap

Iffy I’ll admit he played well as the backup FS. I was on the cut Iffy train… I’ll admit I’m wrong as he’s showing up and playing fast and tackling

I was a draft Surtain & Samuel guy that draft. Glad we got Sewell


Barnes has been great all year so yesterday was hardly a surprise. Iffy on the other hand was completely unexpected. He’s very talented. He’s just not very durable at all.


Iffy still has a long way to go…but this draft is great. If Sewell is a HOF at the end of his career and St. Brown is a x time pro bowler (one down) and Barnes is a starting level lb for the next 5 years thiat draft is a high caliber draft…


I always thought Iffy had a better skill set to be a safety and probably should have had that role from the get go.

If we get thin at OCB I’d rather move Branch outside than see Iffy covering those guys


Keep him inside, hes a probowler there year 1

We are getting Moseley back soon.
bumps Jacobs to backup…still got Gilmore/Lucas

I’d rather use Lucas outside than Harris or Iffy or Branch

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Possibly. He actually played pretty well in his limited time at CB, considering most CB’s take a few years to hit their stride.
He has a ton of ability. Just can’t stay on the field long enough to really get a read on what he can do. Maybe this is his year.

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Iffy has adapted to the safety role. In his rookie year, he had some damn nice reps at outside CB against a really good WR, forget exactly who it was. He also has the size and long speed to play outside CB… maybe not the short area quickness, I dunno. You have to trust the staff that safety is a better position for him, but once they made that decision, it was going to set him back some. Its a tough transition to safety, unless you’re a vet that’s lost a little quickness, like McCourty was.

Its funny that at the time we thought we were set at outside corner with Okudah and Oruwariye. We still need that number 1 guy out there…

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Dan made a comment that this was the most consecutive time they have had a chance to work with him and bank reps.

Gilmore/Lucas? We didn’t get Starling back and I missed it, did we?

Oooos late night typo.

I meant to type Gilmore/Lucas.

I would welcome Starling or Rush back for depth :slight_smile:

Leave Branch inside! Elite star NB

I agree. You get the best out of Branch when you leave him near the line of scrimmage. Putting him outside or deep is limiting, takes away some of his major strengths. Really, he’s a linebacker in a DB’s body. A LB who’s great in coverage.


Such a good tackler, reminds me of Brian Dawkins in that sense. But cover skills of a guy like Shawn Springs inside.

A true modern day football stud


It’s difficult to develop in the nfl at all let alone with limited reps, position switches and injuries. Hopefully he’s past the injury bug and can continue his upward trajectory.

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