The Detroit Lions have traded...the Ford's?

This popped up on and its something I never knew about. Apparently in 1972 the Rams and Colts owner’s traded teams. Or as Lions fans would say “OMG we traded the Ford’s!” Can you imagine the overwhelming joy we would experience?

Me own my way to help them pack
Happy Feeling Good GIF


Fat Stafford agrees!!

Ncaa Football Please GIF by ESPN College Football

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Call me crazy but I wouldn’t trade teams with the Rams or Colts today. Kind of attached to our young losers.

We wouldn’t get so lucky. We’d end up with Dan Snyder.

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The team stays the same. The only thing that gets traded is the owner.

Could we get away with the Ilitch’s trading the Tigers & Wings for the Lions?

All for it!

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Imagine that first meeting between Sheila and Yzerman.

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SOL nixes the trade and reroutes to us the Arizona Cardinals.

The Bidwells and the Fords

Dumb and dumber

dumb and dumber cane GIF

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