The Ford’s don’t care about winning a Championship

Every single year we hear about the Lion’s being in cap hell, a cap mess, has to be fixed due to the last regime…

Research Cash over Cap.

Once you have, would like to hear any sane person’s argument that believes the Ford family wants a Championship. Might they want to win some games, sure I can believe that. At the end of the day though as long as they are selling tickets they really don’t care

Cash over cap, read about it, know about it. Acceptance/acknowledging is one of the steps in AA. That same step applies to recognizing what the Lions/Fords are all about


Yep! Sad truth. Fans don’t want to hear it, but they really shouldn’t be going. Cancel the season tickets, don’t go to the games, don’t buy any more merch. Yes, it sounds extreme, but it’s the only way things might change. We are 1-6 this year and Ford Field has been packed! They are still making huge money off this garbage product. It’s a business, plain and simple. If they started losing a bunch of money and the stadium was mostly empty, they would have to make some changes.


*laughs is Rod Wood voice


The Fords don’t care about winning games.

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who? I have BEEN saying the Fords don’t care if we are winning or losing since before we had Stafford as a QB .

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Not at you Cub, just the topic matter.


Lol yep, light bulb moment for me today. Disappointed in myself that it took this long to come around to what’s really going on


ok thanks bro.

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The Lions are not foreign to cash over cap. We just spend it on the wrong players. And since we suck at drafting players and acquiring players via free agency…it limits our opportunities to use it to our advantage.

Our owner’s suck but they aren’t cheap in recent years. When Millen sucked he was one of the highest paid GMs in the league. When Mooch sucked he was one of the highest paid HC’s in the league. When Mike Martz didn’t work out he was one of the highest paid OC’s of all time. The money is there if someone would figure out how to use it. Which should read as a super indictment of everyone in power here over the years. They had the money to get it done and just sucked at their job. The Bengals were so cheap they were liteally limiting the amount of Gatorade players could drink.


Tell me more!! That’s hilarious.

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“We didn’t have bottled water or Gatorade and when we first got it, guys would be taking bottles of Gatorade home… The year before I got there, Willie Anderson was telling me they didn’t even have jockstraps.”

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Pretty funny about the water and gatorade… but used jocks!? I played football in college, no one wore a cup. That’s hilarious.

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I downed a goalie with a nut shot once. He was wearing a cup but yeah he still went down. He was alright like 5 minutes later.

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Haha Hockey for sure, Cup required, the puck does damage!! But I’ve honestly never heard of a football player wearing a cup!? I guess the Bengals liked to recycle them!

Why don’t you share your knowledge on the subject.

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So you’re trying to tell us that the “cash over cap” number tells you the Lions don’t want to win a Super Bowl?


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Here’s how Sheila deals with every Lions loss!!

Super League Money GIF by Anderson .Paak


Exactly. I understand why people want to believe there is some secret plot. At least then, in theory, the people directing it could decide to use their evil powers to make us win, right? Unfortunately, there is no conspiracy here. Just plain old boring incompetence.


Hustling Dave Chappelle GIF