The Lions are in 2nd

… place in their division. Not sayin’ much, but you couldn’t say it three weeks ago!


We’re gonna crush the vikings next outing. 5/6 in th division
Sweep Bears
Sweep Pack
Split vikings


Hoping that that SOKC (Same Ol Kirk Cousins) continues and as the games get more important and the pressure ramps, the Vikings will continue to falter. They got lucky a lot in their early run. May be time for that luck to run out.


They’re overrated.
THey’ll make playoffs this year.
Next year, the Lions will enter the Division looking like a silence of the lambs movie. Must massacring everyone. Might not lose a division game. Maybe someone gets lucky and we overlook the bears once or something.

Jamo + new DT + health elsewhere = bad, bad news for the NFCN

I have a feeling Rams pick will turn into Carter…though I’m hoping we get the best player in teh draft 3 years in a row


If that happened, it would be awesome because it would mean the Lions beat the Fudgepackers in Green Bay on the frozen tundra.


I think the Bills are just too strong all over the girls for us and I would be surprised if we can get the W on Thanksgiving.

But looking at the schedule after that, you would feel it will be a minor anti climax if we stay healthy and were to go 3-3 down the stretch.

I think most fair minded folk would have said that a 7 win season with a bunch of our young guys playing well would be a big step in the right direction and even more so after we dropped five in a row. But I think the Patriots defeat was a big turning point, the river boat gambling stopped and the D is starting to find its feet. 8,9 or dare I say 10 wins isn’t all that far fetched

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The Giants had a better record.
I get it, “Josh Allen”…he should be shaking, right now.
Despite our hospitality, Detroit is NOT Buffalo’s home.

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I hope you’re right, but I tend to be in the camp where a win shouldn’t be expected.

I’ll be happy if the Lions give 'em hell for 60 minutes. A win would put me over the moon.

I expect to win every single game for the next 5 years.
Losers expect losses.
We just annihilated a team with one of the best records in football on their hom turf.
Btw, I picked the Lions to go 11-6, 6 months ago.
Guess whats still possible!

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What are we now? 10th week of the year?
When is the last time we have been in second place after 10 weeks!!! We have a ways to go, but we are building this team the right way.

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We are actually only one game out from the 7th seed…

If I was looking at the Lions game as a neutral observer. I’d say we we getting hot and healthy at the perfect time. Also I believe our offense travels well. We have a good run game, good o-line and Goff is managing our offense well during these three games. Our team is starting to believe In the trenches as well.



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There’s reason to think they will falter down the stretch, in my mind at least. That’s influenced by me wanting them to lose to potentially give us a better 2nd round pick in 2023.

For that matter, I’m hating on the Rams, the Vikings and the Broncos for the rest of the year. I don’t care if it is a 6th round pick, I want it to be more better. Better beans, better life.

Frog is smashing that koolaid after 3 wins!!! haha it feels good to win

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It feels like we are built to be an outdoor team. Cold weather games is suited for smash you in the mouth style of offense with guys like Sewell, Ragnow, St. Brown run blocking. And J-Will running downhill.

Never touch the stuff.:wink:

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It’s saying alittle and something we haven’t said in a while.

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