The Lions still need a veteran edge

No, I don’t care about what other teams have spent. And Davenport is not a starter.

We still need a DE opposite Hutch.


They definitely need more on the DL, hopefully in FA.

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Agreed. And we still need a starting DT, another CB, a LG, and a 3rd receiver.


It’s just … I’m seeing A LOT of excuses made for Brad. And I’m not raising the alarm, because I think it gets done. But this thing the forum does every year such as “Man, talk about OVERPAID!” is absurd. You’re suggesting any team that pays the literal market value of a top player is being dumb. It’s not.

Yes, Brad has given has hope. But we’ve had 1 good season in 70 years. Let’s calm our tits.

The Lions raised season ticket prices and have priced out probably everyone on this forum. They can afford a star player in free agency.


Agree need to replace Charles Harris as starter

Davenport upgrades Julian as rush specialist .

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That bar doesn’t get any lower.

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@Thats2 literally posted a thread about how the top free agents usually don’t work out for their new teams. Even if they do work out, the rest of the team usually isn’t good enough to make it worthwile.

Christian Wilkins is overpaid now. I don’t care what anyone says.

Danielle Hunter hasn’t been signed yet.

We got a better corner through trade than any of the corners on the free agent market, and we’re getting him at a relative discount IMO.

Davenport (when healthy) is as good of a player as we were trying to get on the edge anyway. The heath risk is why he’s cheap.

Brad’s doing fine.


I didn’t say Brad isn’t doing fine. I love the Carlton acquisition.

But I’m saying we still need an edge. And Davenport isn’t a starter.

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Davenport has been elite when on the field. There was a time in New Orleans that looked like he would be getting top of the market money.

Health is a major concern. I really don’t see us making a big addition at edge after this. They still really like Paschal. Houston can be a major X factor and Cominsky will have a role. Throwing Hutchinson and that is 5 guys already with Davenport.

I feel good about nothing in that sentence.

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It’s only dumb if it prevents you from extending your own players worthy of big contracts(Sewell, St. Brown. etc).

Pretty sure we still love Paschal

And year 3 …


It is. Empirical studies show that the winning bid in any auction is likely to exceed the intrinsic value of the item. It’s not the market value when there is an auction, as oil companies and many other financial institutions have found out to their cost.

Also, in the NFL, where spending is limited by the salary cap, the best GMs are the ones who get the most bang for their buck. Paying top end money means players can’t over-perform their contract, so you’re guaranteeing that that $30 million or whatever isn’t getting you the best bang for your buck.

Finally, the history of the NFL is littered with teams taking on the highest price free agents and not winning.

Brad is being smart. The league is full of dumb GMs that will be in their jobs five years and then get fired. If we don’t want Brad to end up like that then we don’t want him to behave like them.

He already told us at his end of season presser that he wasn’t going to chance his approach. Everyone loved the presser, but it seems no one was actually paying attention.

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He’s a HR. No need for a guy who gets hurt

There are more misses than hits on Day 1 of Free Agency. It’s not absurd to talk about a bunch of overpayments on Day 1 because a lot of those contracts age poorly. Some don’t, a lot do. We as Lions fans know this all too well.

However, still need another edge or at least a solid DT. Reader would be a great get, for example.

If we can get reader ill shut my mouth. But holmes isn’t great with his FA

I beg to differ.

Montgomery, Glasgow, Anzalone, Reynolds, JRM have all been bargains, Raymond for the most part has been worth it. Buggs and Cominsky the year before but not so great last year. CJGJ injury was unforunate but it was a worthwhile swing, Moseley not good but low risk anyway.
Lots more hits than misses IMO.


Davenports injury last season most have not bothered to check what it was just like most times just bitch an complain. He had the dreaded High Ankle but it required a operation. Now we know how long took Houston to get back an he required a operation. That"s why he missed most of season. He does have a sack number some might like like a sack a game when healthy.

I will remind fans what it was like just 3 years ago an what happened for 30+ years before. We finally have a management that is trying to build time not for one season but many an not over spending so they get name in media. So many want to spend spend spend. You list positions of need based on what? I agree CB is weak that’s a given but the rest of positions got team to quarter of a game from SB. Yes we need more push from D Line that was what second in league against run?

Fans are so use to complaining its like they have to complain to be a Lion fan. I want a rusher other side of Hutch. Davenport can be that player an if he does he will want a bank next season. But by then we will have the replacement.
If he flames out he will be no worse that Harris an the two brothers this season an we saw how far we went. Some are complaining already an its been half a day , why can’t you relax an enjoy what we do an hope it works an know if it doesn’t will not cripple team like in past.

We have added to a D Line an secondary an got key O Line player back. I think its a good day an team is better than last seasons already. Secondary for sure an the D Line one guy is better than cost of three. Why are so many just wanting them to blow a wad on one player, when same amount can get 3.Depth Depth Depth makes winners not what team pays the most.


Honestly if we get another interior DL I am cool with the opposite starting end being Paschal/Davenport/Commish

We still have the draft to add another pass rusher

Add DJ Reader, draft an edge with our 1st or 2nd rounder. The Defense would be much improved.


Soooo … you’re suggesting that you’re smarter than every GM outside of Brad Holmes, and that the free agency period is silliness. Got it.

That’s… quite the ego.

The NFL is, instead, a league of shades of gray. Always has been.

So, no, it’s not being dumb. But yes, it’s taking a risk.

Taking a risk versus “everyone is dumb except us!” is a smarter way to assess both free agency and the NFL draft.

Cards with Warner, Bengals with Trey Hendrickson, Broncos & Manning, Bucs & Brady, Saints with Brees, and there’s probably dozens of more modern examples I can’t think of.

Are there failures? Yes. I’d also like to introduce you to the top 10 of the NFL draft.

NFL teams do not sign a player to a $200m deal with the expectation that they’ll roll into the Super Bowl the following year. It’s an investment. Some times it pays off. Other times it doesn’t.

Will the Raiders be doomed to “cap hell” for the signing of Wilkins? No. No, they won’t. Did they over-invest in one position? I mean, I guess we’ll see.

What we’re witnessing is not Dan Synder-level stupidity from any of these teams.

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