This Aaron Rodgers video is fun to watch

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While I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Rodgers bounced back this season, he has been in decline the last couple of years. So I would also not be surprised if Stafford was the best QB in the North. I do half-expect as much.

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You show a video of mistakes of a QB who has accomplished way more than our current QB? Iā€™m sure someone could probably put together a video of Stafford much worst. I donā€™t see this as being fun unless this is the equivalent of the Lions winning some playoff game.

Way to poop on something that was meant to be a little joke. Lifeā€™s too short to be a dick all the time, unless of course thatā€™s your real problem. Smile bud.


So you mean to tell me if someone posted a video of Matt Staffordā€™s ā– ā– ā– ā–  ups it would be a joke? Youā€™re right, life is too short so why not focus on why our team isnā€™t winning unless youā€™re the type to get your enjoyment for another personā€™s mistakes. Is it because our team is shitty??
Everyday I wake up I smile :smiley:

Every QB misses throws, itā€™s ridiculous to expect perfection bc as you can see, the highest rated QB of all time misses open receivers. It seems people want to amply Staffordā€™s misses more bc we donā€™t win as many games. But, all QBs are guilty of itā€¦ Anyone remember Russell Wilson throwing 4 picks in the playoffs against the Packers in the playoffs? Most donā€™t bc they ended up winning and playing in the SB.

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Iā€™m sure other teams fans do post stupid videos of Stafford screwing up. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t go to their message boards to look at it. Thatā€™s the point. You choose to watch the video than you crap all over it. Not that hard.

The thing is Stafford doesnā€™t screw up half as much as the defense , the o-line , the RBā€™s , the DC , the OCā€™s we have had ( barring Bevell) , the HCā€™s , The Officials , SO when Matt Stafford makes a mistake??? well it gets either blown out of proportion or magnifiedā€¦ IN NFL HISTORY, I have never heard of a player bitched about so much as Matt Stafford has been !! WE crucify his ass and WE are LIONSā€™ Fans !! I canā€™t Imagine the bitching about Stafford that goes on League wide to ! if all the team and itā€™s leaders did as well as Stafford or played as much instead ? We would have won a lot more. Matt is thee least of this teamā€™s problems.