This is a good thing!

Cincinnati is an even harder place to win in than Detroit IMO and that ceiling was 12-4. Harbaugh is a eccentric lunatic but he’s a winner.

Do you have better somewhat realistic ideas?

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I’m still skeptical of Kingsbury as a truly good coach. Though I do think Keim has a good eye for talent when he’s not drunk.

Are either of those realty realistic? I’d imagine either would get their pick of the litter and I doubt that’s Detroit.

Detroit will have a top 5 pick and Stafford as either a trade chip or a player on a reasonable contract.

The cap is in good shape too.

Add in you don’t even have to be good or even win big just show progress and you’ll get 4 years and I don’t see any potential opening that’s better.

With competent coaching this is a 7-9 roster at worst.

Feels more like a throat culture.

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I’m being 100% serious with Joe Brady. I do think he’d come here to be a HC. That O would be out of this world.

That’s WAY less of a sure thing then Jim Harbaugh and Marvin Lewis. It could work out but Lewis and Harbaugh are proven NFL winners

I agree with you on the roster. I actually think this roster is two game breakers away from being a 10 win roster. I like the depth. The top shelf talent is quite barren though.

As for a better job I think it would depend. Atlanta? NYJ would depend on what someone thought about Darnold. Same with Cincinnati and Burrow. Does Denver open up? What about San Diego? Houston?

It will suprjj in se me if Detroit ends up being the top job

Darold sucks.

Cincinnati isn’t firing a coach after 2 years they are too cheap especially if Burrow keeps playing well.

Atlanta isn’t going to have a top 5 pick and their cap situation is worst than ours.

This isn’t a good thing…if by good thing you are referring to more losing and the hope that it brings MP and BQ’s dismissal. It’s shit…the losing sucks…the stupidity sucks…Perhaps the season isn’t lost…but right now it does look. like another lost season.

I’m not sure that Darnold sucks. He might but he was pretty good the second half of ‘19. The Falcons may have camp issues but I think they’re more talented than the Lions.

I think Houston would probably be the best job if it were to open up. I no longer love that roster but Watson is probably going to be the best QB needing a coach should O’Brien end up getting fired.

Oh Houston would definitely be a better job.

I could see it, but if he didn’t get fired from blowing a 24-0 lead in one half and trading Hopkins like that, he’ll be there for a year or two at least.

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