This is a good thing!

The writing is on the wall with Patricia and Quinn. Losses right now solidify that they are not the right men to lead this team. I want the decision to be easy for the owners to make. I also think it is time to move on from stafford. I don’t know what it is about him but I don’t think we can win with him. I think it’s time to start over with a new coach, QB, OC(maybe) and a new GM. I personally want a young up and coming coach from college to come in or a younger coordinator. Does anyone have any names they can throw in the ring?

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PJ Fleck


Eric Bienemy.

From college, why not go after Dabo or Meyer? Might as well try.

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Joe Brady, shoot for the stars.

On a sidenote, Kyler is gonna jailsex this D next week…holy yikes. And hey look, AZ is a great example of how an org can make drastic, quick changes and actually get better…AZ freaking got rid of one 1st rd QB, then drafted another, now look at them…

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Patience guys, we’re busy building a winning culture here.


There you go! I would like that.

The players would laugh him out of the building. He is strictly a small time college coach.

Marvin Lewis and Jim Harbaugh are the only two somewhat realistic names that I’ve heard that excite me.

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I’m sorry, but Marvin Lewis showed his ceiling loud and clear in Cincinnati, and Harbaugh is an absolute joke.

Urban Meyer or Lincoln Riley.

Peyton Manning :smiley:

I’m sorry but they have gone to the playoffs 11 times combined, 6 division titles and 1 super bowl appearance. That’s over 15 years…how does the lions FRANCHISE compare over the last 50??

Lol, Syd’s drunk…

Only until he gets hired by a bigger school or organization than Minnesota. That time is coming.

Advice for Lions players: Dig out your old coach notes from whatever coach you had previous. Follow those old notes and try to forget everything Patricia tried to reach you. You were once good for a reason.

I disagree. His act works great with 2 and 3 star recruits, but I just don’t see it working with 4 star players.

keep telling yourself that.

I was told if you fire a coach after one year there is no way you could get a good one to replace him.


There are only 32 NFL HC jobs. You should be able to get one of the best candidates any time you are in the market to hire one.

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