This is absolute garbage:

Our game is being destroyed in front of our very eyes. One thing that makes the NFL great is that every hit doesn’t get reviewed for targeting and players don’t get ejected for cheap split second crap.

Not sure what we as fans have to do to keep this change from happening, but I will gladly sign and petiton and vote on any poll to keep this rule change away from this game.


They’ve had games decided on bullcrap calls this year. Perhaps this is them discussing a way to correct this.


wow that does make it easier for the officials to steer games.


That illegal hit of the week was brought to you by Vagisil.


That is what I would hope
Help reverse a flag thrown to No call


Yea like the call on Grady Jarrett on Brady that ended the game, complete BS that was, it was a perfect tackle.

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I don’t mind them reviewing it, but ejecting players over a split second hit is already ridiculous in college and would be even more so in the NFL.


Completely agree on that, it’s one thing to give a guy a penalty. But the ejections are nuts. I’ve seen a few in college that have been terrible calls. Shit Jameson Williams got ejected last year for a hit as a gunner. Impacted the entire game not having him.

Booth to ref, “Hey that 97 is wrecking their offense.”
Ref to booth, “Ok I’ll take care of it on the next Qb hit.”
“Roger that”
“Don’t say my name”


Totally agree and as fast as the game plays I really don’t understand the college ejection rule
It’s just plain stupid

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I don’t see the big deal.

If it’s reviewable, and for example a call on the field was bullshit, then it can be reversed. Or if a player had a clear, dirty attempt, which we’ve seen in the past, then of course they should be ejected.

I don’t get the problem here. Those seem like good things.

Let me give you an example.

If the Lions, say, got called for a late hit on Aaron Rodgers that didn’t actually happen … in that TOTALLY UNLIKELY SCENARIO, wouldn’t you love to say, “THAT’S BULLSHIT!” and have it reversed?


I’m all for them getting the call right… but how often do they get the calls right with reviews. I have no idea what a catch is anymore for example.


In general I agree
I think the concern is a trend towards the college targeting rule
Example which we have seen is a defender CB leading with shoulder but the WR lowers his head and causes a head to head contact
In college the DB gets ejected
It’s up to the DB to avoid that contact
But the game is so fast that can’t be done

If it’s intentional I can see the ejection but that’s not how college is treating it

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Yep, accidental head contact is leading to players getting tossed. Nuts. Sometimes the offensive player drops his head to initiate the contact even, what can the defender do!? Move out of the way!?


Maybe it’s more about reviewing the bull Shit roughing the passers thst have been called……

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Hi, I’m from NFL and I’m here to help.

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I hate to even put this in writing, but, if JRey were Calvin Johnson, his TD Sunday would have been called back.


Oh boy. When you put it that way. It’s like the IRS coming to help with your taxes.