(Repost from Hard Knocks)
lol nice song , but stick to football Hutch .
Thanks for sharing that, doesn’t get old.
The moral of this story → EVERYONE should be doing karaoke!
[quote=“BigNatty, post:4, topic:35045”]
EVERYONE should be doing karaoke!
[/quote] fak no , i gots too much fishing, watching Lion’s football , and life $#!7 to do for any damn karaoke…
That right there is the kind of thing that will bring a SB to Detroit!
…spoken like someone I’ve never taken to karaoke.
SO much fun!
I have to rewatch Hard Knocks.
I’m intrigued. I used to work the door at a bar that did karaoke. I swore never to go near it again. A karaoke party hosted by @BigNatty kinda sounds next level. Especially if we made it a den event right before we play in the Super Bowl.
I’ve seen a lot of people doing karaoke that should stick to fishing.
Q me now–right now !
Y E S !!!
I’m in!
I do a killer Gypsys Tramps and Thieves…my Dancing Queen is also solid
can I stick to fishing ??? I love it…
winners do what they want
-ricky bobby
Natty only sings songs written by bald people though. It’s essentially 3 hours of Sinéad O’Connor. Nothing compares to you
That’s nightmare fuel!
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